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What to Expect from Home Health and Hospice Care Services?

What to Expect from Home Health and Hospice Care Services?

Although home health and hospice care are two different approaches to care, but both of these health care services are possible to provide wherever the patient calls home. Hospice is meant to offer comfort care to a patient with advanced illness when curative medical treatments are not effective or preferred anymore.   On the other hand, home health care dispenses services to patients who require physical therapy, intermittent skilled nursing care, or any other relevant services as prescribed by their doctor.                            

Some major differences between home health and hospice care are mentioned as follows:-

  1. Hospice care is defined as a comfort care for patients with a diagnosis of six months or less while home health care is generally suggested for treatment of a chronic condition or helping in recovering from a surgery or an injury.
  2. Hospice patients do not have to be homebound but home health patients have to be homebound in order to receive the required care and treatment.
  3. All the expenses are covered by medicare for hospice patients whereas home health care patients need to pay for medications, supplies and equipment.
  4. Besides training and education, family caregivers of hospice patients receive additional psychosocial support but home health care patients do not get the same.

If you want to know more regarding services given through home health and hospice care you can book an appointment with Corridor group and get a consultation.

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