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What is creative writing, and how to improve it?

Delhi Public School Indirapuram
What is creative writing, and how to improve it?

Today, the World runs on Communication, verbal or written. Creative writing is the form of writing written to entertain the reader along with the provision of information. Creative writing goes out of the bounds of professional, journalistic, academic and technical writing. a creative writer writes following imagination and creativity.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing goes beyond the traditional forms of writing. It encompasses multiple genres and styles in fictional and non-fiction writing--storytelling, playwriting, poetry, prose, journalistic, and many more. 

Creative writing can be defined as the narrative craft, focusing on character development, narrative and plot elements, infusing the structure with imagination, invention and story. 

Some particular institutions and centres mainly focus on creative writing that is original and expressive of oneself. They push you to write contemporary and original compositions with no limitations or standard conventions.

What are the different types of Creative writing?

Different forms of Creative Writing can be categorized as fiction or non-fiction. A few popular kinds of creative writing are poetry, playwriting, personal essays, speeches, playwriting or scriptwriting, novels, short stories and many more. 

The fiction and non-fiction forms of creative writing come with imagination, creativity and vision. Some focus points of a creative writer are the point of view, character development, plot development, literary device, and dialogue.

How to Improve Creating Writing?

Creative writing can be polished but not infused, and DPS Indirapuram is one of the best schools focusing on the students' writing skills with the help of organizing various competitions. It helps to encourage students to participate and enhance their skills using their vision and point of view.

Different ways through which a person can improve the creative writing skills are

  • Read more and more-A creative writer needs to read as much as he can because inspiration comes through a different range of sources. There are multiple examples of creative writing throughout history that inspires all writers. Read the other authors with different genres and get an exciting feel of writing. 
  • Start Journaling-One should start a journal to unleash inner creativity. The habit of writing each day will help you practice the art of writing. The more regular you will note, the more confidence you will build.
  • Practice using literary devices - Metaphors, similes, and rhyme are the literary devices that help you write more sharply and create engaging, imaginative and descriptive scenes. This practice can flourish your creative writing skills to flourish.
  • Write, write, and write: Creativity comes through writing. Writing pre-defined things can help you broaden your vision and creative skills. It gives you a prompt inspiration to engage your readers in a new manner every time.

DPS Indirapuram guides its students to grow their sense of vision and creativity to enhance writing practice. They help you develop an expressive form of literature that enhances your creativity, imagination and gives you a way to portray a particular message, emotion, or plot.

About DPSI 

DPSI has a legacy of over 20 years in serving the best learning experiences with various facilities that helps your child in their overall development. The school aims to provide a contributory environment to excite the intellectual growth of each child, thereby ensuring that their energy is properly channelled in the right direction.

Delhi Public School Indirapuram
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