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The Perfect Timeline Diagram

Alex Mercer
The Perfect Timeline Diagram

Timeline diagrams are often used to make complex information easier to understand. They can be effectively used to display the sequence of events over a period of time, in chronological order.  

Timeline diagrams can help 

  • visualize any type of development, the progress of a trend, the outline of historical events, phases of a project, business milestones, etc. 
  • simplify complex information and make it easy to understand and track 
  • highlight significant moments or milestones in time 

Whether you are creating a project proposal or a presentation for your school project, Creately has an entirely new library of timeline templates you can use for multiple scenarios. 

Main Steps:

  1. Gather the information you need.

  2. Create an outline of the timeline

  3. Pick a layout for your timeline

  4. Style your timeline and add images

Timeline maker will help you to create timelines for any event, from tracking your projects to creating business presentations to teaching students.

Alex Mercer
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