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Crucial Nutrients That Must Be Boosted If Your Child Is On A Gluten-Free Diet

ChildLife Essentials
Crucial Nutrients That Must Be Boosted If Your Child Is On A Gluten-Free Diet

Giving a gluten-free diet to your child is very important if he or she has been suffering from celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. You have to be careful because children taking a gluten-free diet tend to be deficient in a few vitamins and minerals. The reason behind that is gluten-free food does not contain the extra nutrients required to live a healthy lifestyle. To boost some of the nutrients, you can give gluten-free multivitamin to your children and focus on boosting the level of the following nutrients mentioned below:

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 keeps the infections away from children and helps them to maintain a normal nerve function. Besides that, vitamin B6 is also effective when it comes to carrying oxygen throughout the body. People suffering from celiac disease have a deficiency of Vitamin B6. To fulfill the requirement, you can add chickpeas to their daily diet. Chickpeas are the best source of vitamin B6 and it is also found in chicken breasts, bananas, turkey, and Gluten-Free Multivitamin syrups too.


Folate (also called folic acid) is another B vitamin that helps in the formation of cells in the body. It is very essential for babies as it prevents birth defects in a baby and makes new cells. Gluten-containing foods are full of folate but if your child is on a gluten-free diet, you can rely on spinach, asparagus, and brussels sprouts to fulfill the need for folate. Peanuts also have a good amount of folate, so you can also add them to your child's diet.  

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin" as our skin starts producing it when exposed to sunlight. Apart from that, you can get sufficient amounts of vitamin D from dairy and conventional cereal products. The problem would be if your child is advised to take a gluten-free diet as well as a dairy-free diet if he or she is lactose intolerant. In that case, you can give salmon, egg yolk, and orange juice to your child. If that is not possible too, the only option you have is relying on multivitamins.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 improves the nervous system in children and helps them in maintaining blood cells. Children deficient in vitamin B12 often find themselves fighting fatigue. Although vitamin B12 is present in breakfast cereals on a gluten-free diet, your child cannot eat those cereals too. There are several gluten-free kinds of cereal available in the market that you can give to your child to fulfill the need for vitamin B12.

If you're searching for the best quality gluten-free multivitamin syrups, you can consider buying one from "ChildLife Nutrition". The firm provides all-natural vitamins for kids at affordable prices. Their products are effective for children as they contain all vitamins and minerals required for their growth. There is no artificial flavor added to their products and the use of sugar is minimal. For more information, visit their official website http://childlifenutrition.com/.

ChildLife Essentials
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