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Is Marvel Family Too Narcotic?

kailer saint

Marveling (verb) is a word that conjures up many images; it can mean great, awesome, amazing, marvelous, awesome and the list goes on. I like to use Marveling in a positive way as it can mean loving, being loved or being adored. It is one word that can describe an attitude or a way of thinking. When used as a verb in a relationship it means to enjoy, to indulge, to give pleasure.

Marveling as a verb usually refers to enjoying, indulging or being pleased or envious. There is a story in The Bible about the mollusks marveling at the sun, I wonder if we could read any version of Marveling in a similar way? Marveling in the Bible was an act of religious devotion, when the people of Israel prayed to their creator for rain and the mollusks marveled at the sun to bless them with water. I wonder if the Marvels of today have an equivalent prayer to ask from God. In the story of the Israelites marveling at the sun God said "I will make you marvel, O children of Israel, and give you everlasting fame".

Marvelling as a verb means "to be fascinated, enraptured or overwhelmed". That certainly describes our relationship with Marvels in relationship, they get to be obsessed with us, to the point that they want to be our friend. Some of us might call this an addiction, others would say that it's healthy fascination. My point is that marvels can come with a lot of baggage attached, like responsibilities, expectations, feelings, weaknesses and so on.

I was talking about the relationship between God and Marvels in one of my articles where I compared the Marvels to the bride and groom in ancient Israel, God has blessed them with a vision to marry and they are to enjoy their honeymoon. In that case the analogy was perfectly fitting, but what if the newlyweds have already marveled at the sun while walking in the garden? Does this create an unhealthy relationship? It can and yes, it does.

If we look at the relationship between God and Marvels we will see that there is no sickness or evil or brokenness in the relationship. The relationship is a good thing and God is love. Does this mean that one cannot enjoy the beauty of Marvels or enjoy their company? Not at all, just enjoy their being around.

The fact is, every relationship requires some aspects of compromise and working together. This is just part of growing up and knowing how to share the wonderful experiences of life. So, yes, I would say that the Marvel Family is just fine without any added Marvelman and Spider-Man additions. Let's all just enjoy the fruits of our labor. Think on it.


kailer saint
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