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Eicher Tractor in India - Prices & Specifications

Eicher Tractor in India - Prices & Specifications

Eicher is one of the popular tractor brands in India, known as a renowned tractor manufacturer. The company offers various tractors and farm implements which has a fabulous presence in the farming sector. Eicher is popular for its range of tractors from 18 hp to 60 hp. The range consists of utility tractors, mini tractors, 4wd tractors and many more.


We Take Some Products of Eicher Brand to Describe it:-

Eicher 242 Special Features

The Eicher tractor 242 is an excellent tractor model in the category of 25 Hp. This tractor fuel tank capacity is 35-litre and 900 Kg hydraulic lifting capacity. This combination makes it famous among the marginal and small farmers. 


The tractor model's powerful gearbox delivers performance excellence, consequently in higher productivity. Moreover, Tractor Eicher 242 comes with Mechanical Steering with an option of both Dry or Oil Immersed Disc Brake, which is built for effective performance and braking. The 242 Eicher tractor price in India starts from Rs 3.85 Lakh in India.


Eicher 380 Tractor provides Various superb Features

Tractor Eicher 380 comes with many specifications that are highly efficient, making it suitable for both commercial and farming purposes. The 380 tractor is a 40 HP tractor with 3-cylinders, and an engine capacity is 2500 CC that produces an engine rated 2150 RPM. For better functioning, the tractor Eicher 242 is loaded with the option of a single dual-clutch.  

Eicher 380 tractor comes with Mechanical Steering with the option of both Dry or oil-immersed Disc Brakes, made for superb performance and braking. A rugged gearbox with 8 forward + 2 reverse gears offers controllable speed. It is loaded with versatility, durability,  power and reliability, which further strengthens the confidence of the Indian farmer. Eicher 380 Tractor Price starts from Rs 5.60 lakh and goes up to Rs 5.80 Lakh.


For more information regarding Eicher models, stay tuned with us.

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