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BGMI APK 1.6.5 Latest version

BGMI APK 1.6.5 Latest version

With the recent BGMI 1.6.5 update, players can now access a variety of game modes in addition with some new features. Those who were eagerly waiting for this opportunity will finally be able to play through all their favorite PUBG Mobile playing time on Battlegrounds mobile India from now onwards!

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is coming up with new exciting updates at regular intervals so that BGMI players can come out of the monotonous surrounding and experience different game modes. Recently, Krafton had released 1.6 update which introduced Flora Menace Mode for old Maps Vikendi will be playable in upcoming Update as well! Alongside this announcement they also announced Metro Royale map along side other fun Modes like Stormwall Bunker IFV SEED & more."

BGMI APK 1.6.5 Update: Release date

The new BGMI update will be available for download today! It's so exciting to finally get these tasty treats in our virtual ovens. The size of the patch is around 400-700 MB, but don't let that stop you from being able enjoy all these features right away if desired - just make sure your computer has an internet connection when installing or downloading updates because this process can take some time depending on how far along they are with uploading everything onto their servers before release date (which seems like it'll happen soon).

The developers have also released video patch notes about what was introduced within version 1.6.5 which includes details such as changelist numbers where applicable among other cool stuff mentioned below:

Download BGMI APK Latest updates details

Payload 2.0

The modified version of Battlegrounds Mobile India Payload is here! If you're a fan from Call of Duty Mobile, then this mode will be just made for your taste. Along with that players can confront enemies by riding on helicopters and use bombs to kills them in quick succession without being too far away from each other--the Helicopter modifications make it even more satisfying when we get our hands dirty (literally). There are many highlights included such as bomb suit which allows player protection against explosions or man portable radar gadget used when enemy ambushes coming towards us – it helps give early warning signs so we have enough time prepare ourselves accordingly.

Runic power

The most awaited model in Battlegrounds Mobile India is finally here! Well, BGMI players were able to choose from three different abilities – Flame, Wind and Ice. The new wind ability allows you both to use your gun with more power or lend yourself some shelter by launching a wall of air between two buildings for protection against enemy attacks but make sure not them get too close because it will result in being pushed back if hit again before putting up the refuge while scorching ammo provides fire damage that sets things on fire adding maximum intensity.

Infection Mode

In this upcoming mode, players can fight with zombies. However it isn’t easy to defeat the creatures as they come up in extraordinary powers and abilities that make them tough opponents in battle! You'll have defend yourself against these bloodthirsty foes by using your skills or building a safe haven where you won't get infected from them-it's going consider all of our teamwork here though so I hope everyone else has brought their best weapons because we're going into deranged town tonight!

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