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Technology & Reviews and all about latest technology updates and CPU comparisons

Afaq Khan
Technology & Reviews and all about latest technology updates and CPU comparisons

These days, it can be as simple as setting up your own blog and writing reviews there. With some hard work, you can build up a following of readers to the point where you can be considered a serious reviewer (especially if you pick a specific niche). Alternatively, you can also use your own reviews to land a freelance or even a full-time writing gig doing reviews for a publication.


What is the best way to write an online review about your product?

What is the best way to write an online review about your product?
Start with the facts - most people like to directly get to the main point when reading product reviews. It’s useful to have this ready at the beginning to keep customers on your page/review. Facts can include the product USP, such as mentioning “noise-canceling” in a review about earphones.
Tell people why they should buy your product - what sets your product apart from others in a similar niche? What added value can your product provide? The aim is to spark interest and create a sense of urge in the buyers mind to buy your product.
Add images and videos to show your product better. 62% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after they see a customer photo or video. This is mostly because buyers like to see how a product actually looks and if it matches with what is described in the review.
Check out this blog for more tips & ideas on writing product reviews for affiliate marketing -

Afaq Khan
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