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Steam VS Dry Carpet Cleaning

Md Selim Reza
Steam VS Dry Carpet Cleaning

When it comes to professional carpet cleaning in Brisbane, there are two main methods: steam carpet cleaning with hot water spray or dry carpet cleaning with vacuum only. The debate goes on with regards to which method is better in carpet cleaning. 

As both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, people are not sure which is the best one when it comes to home carpet cleaning. Read this article to know more about the differences between steam carpet cleaning and dry carpet cleaning, and which is best for you.

What is Dry Carpet Cleaning?

Dry carpet cleaning is a process in which no water is used in the carpet cleaning procedure. Instead of water, a detergent solution is applied to the carpet and then vacuumed up.

This method of carpet cleaning is very effective for removing dry soil, dirt and debris from all types of carpets. Other methods of carpet cleaning normally use large amounts of water which can lead to serious damage to your carpets. To avoid this, using dry carpet cleaning is the most effective way to clean your carpets.

The soils that are removed from your carpet with this method include sand, mud, dirt and all sorts of dust mites and allergens. This process is also environmentally friendly as it does not require chemicals or water so therefore there are no adverse effects on the environment.

Advantages of Dry Carpet Cleaning

It leaves no moisture behind, which is the main reason why many people choose it over steam cleaning. It can also be used on most types of carpet, including high-traffic areas and even indoor-outdoor rugs. When the whole process is done, there is no need for a wet vacuuming. This means that you will not have to worry about moving furniture or taking away the rugs from the living room to clean them up. You can go ahead and use them as soon as possible after your carpet cleaning service provider has left.

What is Steam Carpet Cleaning?

Steam carpet cleaning is a proven, effective method of removing dirt and grime from carpets. It's safe for use on all types of carpet, including delicate or treasured heirloom pieces. Steam won't stain or discolor your carpets, it won't leave any residue to attract germs, and it won't require you to replace your carpet. The unique benefits of steam cleaning are due to the process itself.

The process of steam cleaning is quite simple. First, a truck-mounted extraction unit heats up water to steam temperature. Then, this high-pressure steam is released through the machine's wand where it contacts the carpet fibers. As the water evaporates, it takes along with it any dirt, stains, or other contaminants in its path. At the same time that the dirt is lifted from the carpet fibers, moisture is absorbed into the carpeting - which helps to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms that are locked in pores of fabric fiber. This double-action system makes steam cleaning an effective cleaning method for carpets because carpets are left dry and fluffy after treatment.

Advantages of Steam Carpet Cleaning

When you steam clean your carpets, you can be sure that they will stay clean longer because the hot water and detergent used in the process kill germs and bacteria. Furthermore, steam cleaning is more effective on set-in stains as it breaks down the stain molecules. Steam cleaning also does not use any toxic chemicals, which means that you don't have to worry about your family's health being compromised. If you have kids or pets at home, then this is a huge benefit!

A professional steam cleaner will be able to thoroughly clean your carpets without leaving behind any water residue, so your beautiful carpets will look great for years to come.

In addition to being beautiful and long lasting, our steam cleaning service is also safe on all types of carpet fibers including wool, nylon, olefin and polypropylene. In fact, it's recommended by numerous carpet manufacturers.

Choose Professional Carpet Cleaning Experts in Brisbane

Accidents happen and carpets get dirty. Food, pet urine, spills and everyday dirt are all factors that contribute to a dull, dirty carpet. Offering safe, affordable, and reliable carpet cleaning in Brisbane, Sunshine Eco are professional carpet cleaners that cater to you carpet cleaning needs.

Getting regular professional carpet cleaning directly leads to a healthier environment, a well-kept carpet that looks and lasts for years to come. Depending on your cleaning needs, Sunshine Eco Cleaning Service offers a host of carpet cleaning services from Steam and Dry cleaning to commercial and end-of-lease carpet cleaning.

Md Selim Reza
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