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The Role Of Teachers In Selecting A Career

James Baind
The Role Of Teachers In Selecting A Career

The teacher’s role is crucial in the success of their students— good teachers are not only teaching their students— they maintain a great spiritual relationship with their students. Teachers are usually familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of their students— they can be great counselors for their students. Teachers are the builders of a nation— they can create a nation’s ideology in classrooms. 

Whatever the career you are searching for whether in the private-sector or govt jobs in Pakistan. You can’t deny the role of teacher— they can be your friend— mentor and beacon for their students. Everybody does remember their childhood teachers. Teachers are in a great position to instruct you— what career you should adopt in the future —they know exactly the abilities and qualities of their students. They are like a beacon-house— to guide and pave a career for their students.

In this article, we are going to discuss— why the teacher’s role is critical in deciding a career path. I think teachers’ opinions should be prime for everybody— as they always wish for a good career for their students.

Why the teacher’s role is vital in career choice:

Teachers are normally familiar with the students' milestone years each student — the teachers know their students from the day—  they entered the school to the day they had graduated from the university. 

Your teachers are always along with you— in your journey— when you ask your teachers to help them in selecting a career— they always try to support you in selecting a career—sometimes teachers may be helpful in the today jobs placement due to their market familiarity. Teachers can be a great asset for you—if you give them the respect they deserve. 

You can say that  “ teachers' destiny to mentor their students”—  as teachers always wish for a brighter future for their students— they feel privileged to guide their students towards a brighter future.

ALL the roles of the teachers are vital in deciding your career path—it should be the responsibility of the parents to discuss with the teachers— what profession is the best for their children. Teachers can truly guide you— when choosing a career for yourself. 

The most important thing— why teachers are so keen on your career— the answer to this question—  they have nurtured you— they want to see their students prosper—  so they can proudly say that you have studied from them. Teachers and parents never feel jealousy because of your growth and development in life. They pray for your success in life.

How teachers can be great career counselors:

Teachers always try to work for the betterment of their students— they want to figure out which profession is the best for each individual. For this, they have to follow the instructions to know the aptitude of each of your students.

  • Teachers can conduct a class survey to know the priority profession of each student. Then discuss with each student— why he/she wants to join a particular profession.
  • Being a teacher, you can discuss various professions twice a week. You can also discuss the abilities and education required for a particular profession. What kind of abilities do your students need to join a particular profession?
  •  When teaching a particular subject class— you can give two to three examples of the successful professionals of the particular subject. You can also discuss the achievement of some professions—  what kind of hardship these individuals faced in grooming their careers. This would encourage your students. 
  • Conduct regularly the interaction session— where you communicate the pros and cons of various professions. These sessions would be great for your students to understand the requirements of the various professions—  and how they can prepare themselves to join a profession of their dreams.
  • Teachers are in a great position to motivate their students— how successfully they can join a profession—and how they can improve themselves to join a particular profession. Students would exactly know—what they have to do to join a profession of their choice. 

Teachers should be fair— when they are talking with the parents of the students. They should clearly describe— what is the exact position of their children—how they are trying to cope with the deficiencies of a particular student. What kind of profession is the best for their child? The PTMs should be a meaningful—and interactive session.

Teachers should encourage their students how they can research about a topic—how they can polish their skill— it should be encouraged in schools—if a student is researching a particular topic—teachers should be in complete collaboration with such shining students.

Teachers are always in the best position— to choose and direct a career for their students. This is because they know exactly— the strengths and pitfalls of their particular students. When teachers take a personal interest in the betterment of students— they also respond positively. Institutions having a strong teacher-student relationship can foster tremendously. Such educational institutions can change the life of their students. 

“Teachers can be an asset in deciding the career of their students”

James Baind
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