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LLP Incorporation | Registration of Limited Liability Partnership Firm

Compliance Calendar LLP
LLP Incorporation | Registration of Limited Liability Partnership Firm

Not convinced with the registration of company and more comfortable in the partnership firm of business? We have got you covered. MCA who is the regulatory authority has made the LLP Registration simple like never before. At Compliance Calendar, we have registered hundreds of LLPs across India and specialise the LLP Registration as well as its annual compliance.

What is important to note here is that Like Companies, LLPs do not have MOA & AOA and instead, an LLP Agreement is executed post LLP Incorporation. The amount of stamp paper to be bought shall be based on the capital contribution by partners of LLP and it varies from one state to another state based on their State Stamp Act. We at Compliance Calendar can help you register your LLP hassle free as we have registered LLPs across India.

LLP Firm Registration

Compliance Calendar LLP
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