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As one of the top providers of in-car audio, window tinting, and accessories for trucks and Jeeps in the United States

Raz Smith
As one of the top providers of in-car audio, window tinting, and accessories for trucks and Jeeps in the United States

So just focus the seam on a particular spot and you have to be creative of how you get in the film to start coming off the glass of the first place like I create a little bit of slice with a razor blade be careful around the defroster of course you know films coming off which is good the most important thing for film removal is actually just removing the film itself and not worrying so much about the adhesive because you always have anything fall back on but if you have a film that wants to start flaking apart that's just it's not a good sign and it's gonna take you way longer.

So the adhesive is being completely left behind on this one it's just the type of film and in pieces that it is but you still want to steam it to ensure that the films not going to tear or anything annoying like that I cut the end off on my little shark steamer so it gives this end point like it's really flexible so you can just shove it behind like third brake lights and like down here and lower sections and stuff like that those big metal ends unlike the Jesse steamers are really annoying it's more about just getting the steam to a particular place to warm up the glass also I I would bag this and leave it outside if I didn't live in Michigan words you know hit or miss on cloudy days most of the years old this is a foolproof method for removing film if you're not in a warm climate okay so I have the film off I just got annoyed and pulled it on this side and then over on the other side I still have like you can see just it looks like the adhesive is off on this side it's actually just completely on and then it's half steamed off at this side I have this bottle of Awesome here and I also actually still have a Car Window Tint Near Me like a full bottle of it.

So what I'm gonna do is spray this on the easier side of the adhesive and we sprayed the awesome of the more difficult side to give it some really it's gonna be more difficult for it so we're gonna see if both of them work basically the same because in my experience so far this stuff has been great or awesome Jesus just saying it too much so like I said awesome it's going on this side so we're gonna go ahead and just spray that down I'm not diluting it whatsoever just straight out of the bottle into the glass and stuff cost me a dollar and then this ATR I don't remember how much it costs exactly but you can find it out in tool sites I was just really surprised when I saw how similar they worked and they also smell extremely similar now I'm not saying Vehicle Window Tint Near Me it off out of the bottle because there's a different strength to both of those smells.

Raz Smith
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