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Mahindra Bolero Pickup In India With Specifications & Prices

ayushi gupta
Mahindra Bolero Pickup In India With Specifications & Prices

Mahindra is one of the best truck manufacturers in India, which offers the best commercial vehicles. The company offers a wide range of commercial vehicles, including trucks, pickups, tippers and many more. Similarly, Mahindra offers many best truck series, including excellent commercial vehicles, and Mahindra Bolero pickup is one of them. Mahindra Bolero pickup is a very well known series of Mahindra, which consists of many excellent pickups. All the pickups under the Mahindra Bolero pickup series are manufactured with advanced technologies, making their work efficient. In addition, they are equipped with innovative features which support you to increase your income. 


Popular Mahindra Bolero Pickup Models In India 

Following are the best Mahindra Bolero Pickup Models with specifications and prices:- 


  1. Mahindra Bolero Camper 

The first pickup on the list is the Mahindra Bolero Camper. It is the most popular Mahindra bolero pickup, which comes with 75 power, 4 cylinders and an m2DiCR 2.5L TB engine. This pickup has 2735 KG GVW and 3014 MM wheelbase. Along with this, the Mahindra Bolero pickup price is Rs 8.49 Lakhs* - 8.99 Lakhs*. 


  1. Mahindra Bolero Maxitruck Plus

Another masterpiece under the Mahindra bolero pickup series is the Mahindra Bolero Maxitruck Plus. It has a strong engine of 4-cylinders that help to handle all the challenging road conditions. Also, the pickup comes with 65 hp power and an m2DiCR 2.5L TB engine. This Mahindra Bolero pickup price is Rs 6.9 Lakhs* - Rs 7.26 Lakhs*. 


For more information, visit Truck Junction. 

ayushi gupta
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