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What firms are the best for MBA admissions Consultancy in Delhi?

Divi Educare
What firms are the best for MBA admissions Consultancy in Delhi?

You should think of the B-School education if you are seriously considering moving up the career ladder significantly or taking on a completely new role in your existing career in North America, UK, Europe, Singapore or Australia.

Our team utilizes one-on-one contact with the candidates to properly assess their academic and professional credentials. By doing so, we get a much better sense of what MBA candidates are really like. The ‘right’ school & the ‘right’ program areimportant to our decision-making process. We base our MBA admission cosultation services completely on factors like professional achievements, test scores, academics, and communication skills (written & spoken). Our assessment process results in a customized report detailing the complete admission plan for each candidate, which includes universities selected, cost of applications, business school essay plans, etc.

You can certainly rely on us to help you select the right kind of program for you, whether you want to pursue a full-time MBA, a 1-year MBA, an executive MBA or even part-time MBA. Additionally, our experts can help you select the right area of specialization based on your past work experience and preferences!


  • How does a B-School decide whether to admit you?
  • Students with a good academic record and extracurricular activities, hobbies and leadership skills.
  • Those who are self-starters with an entrepreneurial spirit and able to effectively communicate.
  • Not only grades and test scores, but also recommendations and application essays.

MBA Admissions Counseling & Consultation

It is an objective assessment of the academic & professional credentials by Grad-Dreams Consulting that is conducted individually with each candidate. It helps us better understand MBA applicants. With respect to selecting the 'right' school and the 'right' program, we are very realistic. In our MBA program, we evaluate candidates based on a number of factors, including professional experience, test scores, academics, spoken & written communication skills, and cost of the program. During our assessment, we create a personalized report for each candidate that details the complete admission plan, including finalized universities, application fees, business school essay plans, and visa assistance.

It is important to begin the 'school selection, essays, and applications' process at least 4 to 8 months before the deadline. You should give yourself enough time to write and document your essays.

Our company specializes in B-School admission processes for North America, Europe, UK, and Australia. I would be glad to help you if you have any questions or concerns about your admission plans.

Aside from helping with complete documentation, financial aid, and visa counseling, we also provide guidance throughout each step of the application process.

Admission Counseling consists mainly of:

  • University short listing
  • Documentation
  • Total Cost Estimation
  • Visa Documentation & Mock Interviews
Divi Educare
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