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Will a Health Insurance Plan Cover My Dental Implants Expenses

EON Clinics

Have you dropped your thought of having a dental implant procedure due to lack of money?

Thinking of undergoing dental implants treatment to improve your smile, then one may have a list of questions in their mind. Do medical insurance cover dental implants? The answer to this query is up-front, as different insurance packages and providers offer diverse and varied types of health coverage. Read this article to learn more about dental insurance that covers implants and their coverage.

A dental implant is a permanent replacement of missing one or more teeth that is no doubt costly. Hence, some patients may require aid in terms of money to be able to successfully achieve their desire of having a smile transformation. After searching the internet or having personal meetings in insurance companies, it must have been complicated to understand whether dental implant costs can be covered by claiming insurance or if there is any other help possible. In this article, all your doubts regarding dental insurance that cover implants are cleared. 

Are dental implants covered by insurance?

Yes, certain insurance plans do refund portions of the implant treatment but it’s somehow very much minimal.

The insurance plans of any company are strictly designed to cover emergency healthcare services, routine maintenance, and basic care. It is determined based on the amount the employer wishes to spend on the policy and how much the insurance company wants to gain profit.  

The foremost thing to note is that most dental insurance policies do not include the cost of tooth implants as the insurance companies tag them as a cosmetic procedure. However, still, some companies have begun to consider the importance of dental implants. This means it’s possible to have minimal reimbursement of some parts of the expenditure for dental implant surgery by filing a claim but it is most unlikely as of now.

Under medical insurance, the dental surgery and tooth replacement procedures costs are solely included in the following cases:

· Trauma or accidental injury resulting in loss of tooth

· Missing tooth due to underlying medical condition

· Loss of tooth during treatment course for tumors

· Missing tooth since birth (A congenital condition)

Consult with the expert at Eon Clinics and get a 3-D CT scan and know more about the treatment cost. Our experts at Eon Clinics will provide more information that can help our patients to maximize their insurance for reimbursement.

Can dental implant grants and discounts be a help?

If you have come across any offerings of dental implant discounts and grants over the internet or elsewhere, remember not to opt for them as the claims are deceptive and they do not exist. So, please skip those confusing insurance company conversations and other internet research and meet our experts at Eon Clinics.

How to manage dental implant costs?

Patients can pay for their dental implant treatment by using a combination of their savings, financing, and some insurance money. The financing option is very useful as the total cost can be split into affordable monthly installments. Eon Clinics offers some payment plans that can ease the patient's to manage the cost of dental implants. Some patients can also receive some aid for money from their friends, family/siblings, or by refinancing their other credits.

Still, have any confusion and want to know more about full coverage dental implant insurance?

Schedule an appointment now with the experts at Eon Clinics to know more about dental implant insurance plans.

EON Clinics
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