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Origination of Tea in India

Chai Craft
Origination of Tea in India

How Did Tea Come to India?

Though the Camellia sinensis is also native to The Indian subcontinent and flourished in the wild long before its actual value was understood, it is thought that tea was carried to India by silk merchants traveling from China to Europe centuries ago. Native Americans ate the leaves sometimes, but they were largely employed for their therapeutic powers. It took a while for it to evolve into what is currently known as chai, a fragrant black tea flavored with milk and sugar, together with spice like cinnamon and pepper, and used in cooking, vegetable dishes, and soup. You can Buy Tea Online in India through various newly developed ecommerce websites which might give you plenty of options to choose from. Chaicraft is one such company who provide a wide array of designer tea collections to choose from. You could Order Herbal Tea online or even buy tea online in India.


Who Discovered Tea in India?

Tea was originally introduced to Indians by the British and is now an integral component of daily life. Tea's origins in India may be traced back to the British, who sought to break China's tea monopoly after discovering that Indian soil was ideal for growing these plants. The presence of native flora indicated that the soil was suitable for transplantation of Chinese seedlings, and the Assam valley and Darjeeling's towering mountains were chosen as early tea-growing sites. After numerous failed attempts over 14 years, tea production in India began to thrive, allowing for the manufacture of tea that was on a level with, if not better than, that of China. India became, and continues to be, one of the world's major tea producers, second to China only. The modern cyber era allows you to buy tea online in India and enjoy its essence.


The Native Tea Species

Let's take a look at the history of tea in India, which is one of the world's top tea producers. When Scotsman Robert Bruce identified a local type of Camellia sinensis plant in Assam in 1823, commercial tea plantations were first created under British rule. According to legend, a local merchant named Maniram Dewan brought Bruce to the Singpho people, who drank a tea-like beverage. Singphos gathered fragile leaves from a wild plant and dried them in the sun. These leaves were also exposed tonight dew for three days before being put in the core of a bamboo tube and burnt till the tastes formed. Bruce took a sip of the leaf decoction and gave it a thumbs up. Bruce tasted the leaf decoction and thought it tasted like Chinese tea. This plant was gathered by Bruce. But it wasn't until after he died in 1830 that his brother Charles took up the cause and sent samples to Calcutta for testing. It was discovered to be tea, but of a distinct kind from the Chinese plant, and was given the name Assamica. Order herbal tea online to understand the essence of Assam tea and enjoy its benefits.

It's worth noting that, at the time these changes were taking shape, the East India Company was attempting to break the Chinese monopoly on the world tea trade due to a growing conflict of interests. In response to this scenario, one of the Company's initiatives was to begin manufacturing tea in British possessions.


Chinese tea seedlings were allegedly carried into colonies like India and Sri Lanka, where they were evaluated for economic viability. These Chinese plants, on the other hand, were unsuited to Assamese soil. As a result, the Assamica variety was well received. The first British-led commercial tea plantation in India was developed in Chabua, Upper Assam, in 1837, after several attempts and long periods of concentrated work. With the advent in Tech, you could simply order herbal tea online and enjoy the goodness of Tea.

Chai Craft
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