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Pass On The Silk Legacy To your Little Princess

Palam silks
Pass On The Silk Legacy To your Little Princess

Nothing’s adorable than little kids running around in their pattu pavadais during the south Indian festive season, agreed? Pattu pavadai for kids will never go out of style. But who’s to say that we cannot get experimental with pattu pavadai designs!

If you are looking for some fashionable Readymade Pattu Pavadai online designs for girls, then you’ve landed at the right place. Get to explore some of the cutest kids’ pattu pavadai designs that Palam Silks has for you. So let’s dive right in!

One of the prettiest pattu pavadai designs for girls is the one with the peplum style blouse or sattai. You can get the peplum-style blouse stitched in a solid-colored silk fabric or even in cotton. Adding zari fabric to the peplum pleats will make the pattu pavadai look extra gorgeous.

Another lovely Pattu Pavadai online with sattai design is the one with the puff-sleeved blouse. Picking contrasting colored silk fabrics for the blouse and pavadai makes the whole outfit stand out and look festal-ready. 

If you are looking for more modern pattu pavadai designs for girls, then you must try going with a halter neck design for the blouse. If you are looking for pattu pavadai for babies, then this design is the one you should go for as it looks super charming on them!

Another beautiful, sophisticated pattu pavadai design to go for is the monochromatic look where the blouse and the pavadai are stitched from the same fabric or from the same-colored fabrics. This particularly looks great when you are going for bright-colored silk fabrics.

Palam silks
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