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How to make your child interested in studying?

Dillu Jay
How to make your child interested in studying?

Parents may have high expectations in life for their children to do well in all spheres of life. But this may often result in burdening the child with unnecessary things and create an aversion to studies. How to make your child interested in studying? St. George’s College, one of the top Boarding Schools in Dehradun explains how to go about this.

Make Study Time a Fun Time

Parents can make study time a fun time and spend more time studying together. Motivating a small kid to study is easier when a parent is sitting with him while he is studying.

Make a daily study schedule

Make a systematic schedule and gently make the child adhere to it. Not just doing homework but you should keep some time for revising the concepts and lessons taught in the class on each day.

Give more importance to learning and not the grades

Shift the child’s focus to learning even if your kid is struggling with getting good grades. Enquire about day to day activities in the class and what he learnt that day subject wise. Get to know about his favourite subject, favourite class and favourite teacher as well. Acknowledge and appreciate even the smallest achievement of your kid. 

Create an environment for studying

A child has an extremely low attention span and may get easily distracted and lose interest in studies. Ensure that your child gets a peaceful environment to study like no distractions including loud noises, television, and another sibling playing nearby etc. Being one of the best Boarding Schools in Mussoorie, St. George’s College guarantees a great environment for studies to its students. 

Follow the learning style of your kid

Try to understand what kind of a learner your kid is, be it auditory, visual or kinesthetic and you may try to adopt a study schedule based on your kid’s preference.

Talk to the Teacher

If you observe that your child is lagging behind in a particular subject, feel free to contact the concerned teacher. Working together, the teacher and the parents can plan strategies to develop a kid’s interest in that subject or improve the grades.

Be on your kid’s side & set achievable goals

Do not put pressure on your kid to score well or get better grades. Try to grasp things from his side in a nice and gentle manner. You can set short term, medium-term and long term studying goals together. 

Help them to learn from failure

Failures are a stepping stone to success! Even if your kid gets low grades, abstain from scolding or comparing with other kids. You should encourage and empathise with your kid and allow them to learn from mistakes.

Reading Habit

Try to inculcate a reading habit in your child which will help them to study as well. 

All these things can encourage and pep up your child’s morale and confidence to come out as a go-getter. Contact us at St. George’s College to know more.

Dillu Jay
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