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Welcome email ideas to use in your digital marketing NZ strategy

Ambitious Agency
Welcome email ideas to use in your digital marketing NZ strategy

Email marketing is emerging as one of the most popular mediums to reach your audience. There are several parts that need your attention, but if you are looking for results that last for a long term and comes with only a short-term investment, you have one weapon to whisk your digital marketing NZ efforts - welcome emails. 

These welcome emails might become your new favourite tool to use to push through marketing efforts. Even statistics scale that their impact is unmistakable. On average 84%, emails are opened and 25% of them contribute to click-through rates. If you look through a marketer’s eye, they are meant to collect high engagement rates because they are sent at the correct time, just when users have completed purchasing from the company or signed up for a newsletter. Welcome emails are a reassuring sign that the process of sign up or purchase went well. Lastly, welcome emails contain information that is valuable to the new users, which they have been waiting for. 

Welcome emails aren’t new, but often marketers overlooked the benefits that these valuable contents have for both, the email recipient and the business sending it. Now that you know how profitable it is to use welcome emails, you might be looking for inspiration to write one yourself for email marketing strategy.

Well, here’s something that might help you. 

Welcome Email Ideas to Implement 

Tell your brand’s story 

New subscribers don’t know the story behind your brand. Even if they are aware of your brand name, it will still be worth telling them more about who you are and what you do. Try to make your first impression good with a welcome email that summarizes your values precisely. 

The idea behind sharing your story is that they will know what common values they share with your brand. 

Know the trigger points 

Just like your new subscriber don’t know about what is your brand story, they might also be unfamiliar with many of your products or services. Take some time and make efforts to convey something that’s similar to their interest. A welcome note is a chance for you to convert them into loyal customers. 

The best chances are they will visit your site and take a quick look at the product categories that they like. 

What sets you apart from your peers 

A welcome email that tells them who you are and what’s unique about you is a great idea to build a relationship thereafter. Perhaps, tell them about your Unique Selling Point (USP). The main aim behind this tactic is to help your new subscriber overcome the fear of purchasing something they want from a new brand. 

With some decent amount of time and effort, your brand will start engaging well with your email list. 

Tell them what to expect 

Since your email will deliver the very first message to them, you might as well provide information about what can offer them in the future. For instance, alert the new subscribers about new and upcoming sales or current discounts. Put up the information is an easy way so that they can digest what’s coming through their journey with you. 

Remember to communicate well enough and curate content that’s useful too! 

Get on with a good start 

As you may have noticed yourself that many eCommerce brands send welcome emails attaching discount codes in them. The reason they do this is to give a good start to the subscribers. It’s perfectly a rewarding tactic as you’re making the offer in a crystal clear manner. 

But, if you too decide to do it the same way, think about your process to implement the tactic successfully. 

Trust Ambitious 

At Ambitious, you are in safe hands because we are a digital marketing and design agency Wellington. Our mission and vision are clear as the mirror. All we do is done to keep you on top of the competition so that your company seeks growth. With our approach, you can experience the best digital marketing NZ practices with an outturn you may not have imagined. 

Are you ready to grow? 

Source URL: https://ambitious.nz/

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