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Surrey Hydrafacial for Clearing Skin Impurities, Acne and Signs of Aging

Glow Bright Med Spa
Surrey Hydrafacial for Clearing Skin Impurities, Acne and Signs of Aging

Today, you can undergo HydraFacial Delta at our skincare and laser clinic. Use it to get an extra glow before a big event, or to keep fine lines and wrinkles under control, on a monthly basis. We’re close enough to Delta, Langley, White Rock, South Surrey, and Langley for this high-tech, and non-irritating facial. While it’s highly unlikely we won’t be able to use HydraFacial on your skin type or condition, the first step is booking an in-person consultation at our cosmetic clinic. This way, we’ll be able to take a look at your skin, do a technological analysis, and ensure we’re offering you the right treatment for the results you want. We encourage you to book today!

A Surrey Spa will provide you smoother, greater radiant skin in as little as 30 minutes, with no pain or downtime! Your skin will acquire a deep clean without infection because a vacuum-powered extraction is used place of guide squeezing of the skin. Now you can enjoy a deep clean without any irritation or inflammation which is what we all want!

The best Surrey spa is ours, guaranteeing that you have the best radiance glow facial experience. We target a variety of skin concerns and deliver the best outcome based on your particular needs. HydraFacial removes dead skin cells and other impurities and restores skin with antioxidants through Vortex Fusion, the most advanced way of applying nutrients to the skin.

The HydraFacial is a medical grade hydra dermabrasion device that carries out a patented three-part regimen that involves cleansing, exfoliating, and infusing the skin with carefully selected medical grade skincare products. The medical grade hydra dermabrasion device is innovative technology that cleanses, exfoliates and infuses the face, bringing a whole new meaning to a facial experience.

HydraFacial is our newest facial treatment – perfect for many skin types and is a fast treatment with zero downtime. Regardless if you have dry, sensitive skin or aging, hyper-pigmented skin, you will benefit from this ultra-hydrating treatment!

Glow Bright Med Spa
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