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Hastelloy Alloy B3 Beam Manufacturer in India

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Hastelloy Alloy B3 Beam Manufacturer in India

Sachiya Steel International is one of the Leading Manufacturer And Exporter Of High Quality Hastelloy Alloy B3 Beam, Angle, Chain And Channel Other Products, which offers great resistance in the strong acidic and alkali media and prevents pitting, crevice corrosion and SCC. Hastelloy B3 Angle also offers wide resistance to wet chloride gas, hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide media. Hastelloy B3 C-Channel prevents the localized and inter – granular corrosion in the presence of strong acids such as sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and organic acid. Hastelloy B3 Chain provides excellent corrosion resistance to the entire magnitudes of sulphuric acid up to 95 Degree C or 200 Degree F.

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