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Monel Alloy 400 Beam Manufacturer in India

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Monel Alloy 400 Beam Manufacturer in India

Sachiya Steel International is one of the Leading Manufacturer Of High-Quality Monel Alloy 400 Beam, Angle, Chain, And Channel, And Other Monel Alloy Products, which combines excellent corrosion resistance with elevated mechanical properties and relatively easy fabrication. Applications of Monel 400 Angle are limited to a maximum temperature of 1000 Degree F per ASME. Monel 400 C-Channel is often chosen to solve SCC problems, which may occur with 316L stainless. Monel 400 H-Beam was designed for maximum resistance to acid attack and demonstrates superior resistance to stress – corrosion cracking in boiling sulphuric acid. Monel 400 I-Beam also has excellent general corrosion resistance to sulphuric acid and to chloride stress corrosion cracking.

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