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Home Renovation & Restoration Albuquerque, CGC Restoration

CGC construction
Home Renovation & Restoration Albuquerque, CGC Restoration

Commercial Renovation and Restoration

CGC construction has qualified and experienced staff who are dedicated to providing high-quality construction service.  So, you can trust our CGC Renovation team of commercial contractors to give your company or office a new look and feel that fully reflects your vision, from the interiors to the exteriors.  Our exterior renovation services will give your property the beauty and strength you want, from the foundation to the roof.


Residential Renovation and Restoration

Our team recognizes our customers' needs, so we work hard to improve our skills so that we can keep our promises.  We always try to do more than the customer expectations so our clients can easily trust us.  CGC construction feels proud of our flexibility and ability to handle and deliver timely services to a wide range of residential home restoration projects.


Difference between renovation and restoration

Renovation is the process of renewing a building or its structure by repairing containing components or putting in new ones.  Generally, renovations are carried out in combination with restorations.  It can be more cost-effective than restoration depending on the project.

Restoration is the technique of renovating a structure to its recent condition.  Restoration operations are generally conducted on famous buildings.

Some examples of restoration projects:

● Fixing holes in the walls

● Taking out the old carpet

● Wood floor refinishing

Restoration utilizes limited resources and nominal energy. It can be a cost-effective choice if your house has a strong base and only small repairs are expected. 

CGC construction
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