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What is the cheapest NFT that i can buy today?

Mayowa Owolabi
What is the cheapest NFT that i can buy today?

There are NFTs that cost a few dollars, just keep in mind that if you are buying in an ETH marketplace like OPENSEA, you will have to add a few tens of dollars as gss fee. However, the cheap price is not what determines whether you will be able to sell the piece at a profit. But the quality of the project, and especially the quality of the community that grows around it. In fact, you can invest in a cheap NFT and get stuck with it forever. So when you buy an NFT note first of all that it is a project that you love, connect to, believe in and especially that there is a serious team behind it and it is supported by a real community, which is what gives the real value to <ahref="https://financialmarketexaminer.com/nft-metaverses-plots-sales/">NFT</a>

Mayowa Owolabi
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