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How to Get Out of An Apartment Lease?

How to Get Out of An Apartment Lease?

An apartment lease is a year-long agreement between the house owner and the tenant. The tenant cannot shift to another apartment before the lease duration finishes. And if the tenant has to move out for any special reason, he will have to pay for the remaining days on his lease.

So, if you are in this situation, how do you get out of this lease? Is there any way to get out of an apartment lease without paying for the whole duration? Let’s discuss how you can handle this situation.

Go through the lease agreement paper

Get your lease agreement and start reading through it. You will find a section describing what to do if you want to terminate the lease agreement earlier. Review the lease agreement carefully to see if there is something written about giving notice of intention to vacate. Normally many house owners do not mind if you notice them about your moving out one or two months earlier.

If you find something like this in the agreement paper, then you are going to get out of this lease easily. Even if you have to leave immediately, you will have to for only those one or two months.

Talk to the house owner

Contact your landlord or the manager as soon as you decide to move out. Be honest with them and tell them about your situation and the reason for needing to break the lease. Talk gently and politely. Most likely they will understand you and give you the chance to break the lease on fairly easy terms.

Sublet or find a new tenant

If you can’t find any way to break the lease agreement, then you still have this way available. See, the landlord is running a business. So letting you go freely may cost him some money. But if you can get him a new renter to take over the lease, there shouldn’t be any problem for the landlord. By transferring the lease agreement to a new renter, you can walk out of there freely.

If the new renter is not ok with the monthly payment rate for this apartment, you can offer them to pay just 80-90% of the total apartment rent. You will pay the rest 10-20%, but still, you are saving a lot. And since the house rent in Dhaka city is climbing up after every certain period, the new renter would likely be happy to get an apartment by paying 10-15% less.   

Legal reasons that allow you to terminate the lease without paying

There are some reasons that legally allow you to get out of the lease anytime you want. If you are facing any one of them, you wouldn’t have to go through all the struggle or pay for the rest of the agreement duration. Here are some of them:

Violation of habitability standards

The landlord has the responsibility to maintain the property in a fit and habitable manner. If the house owner fails to provide you with any of the facilities mentioned below, you can terminate the lease agreement legally:

  • Providing running water 24/7
  • Maintaining health and safety codes
  • Providing a proper way to dump the trash and garbage
  • Repairing the damaged or malfunctioning appliances of the house
  • Maintaining proper cleanliness around the apartment


Violation of tenant’s safety and privacy

In a non-emergency situation, the house owner has no right to enter your apartment without your permission. They have to notice you 24 hours earlier if they intend to access the property. Only exceptions are in case of fire, gas lick, or any emergency situations.

If the landlord attempts to or violates this rule, then you can have the legal privilege to terminate the lease. Also, If in your apartment any situation occurs that questions your safety, you have the right to break the apartment lease right away.


Facing a situation to break a lease contract is very disturbing and usually costs a lot. People often get penalties for terminating their lease before the duration finishes. In this article, we have discussed some reasons which will permit you to leave the apartment legally without any penalty.

Also, we have shared some ways by which you can avoid the extra costs and fines while you are getting out of the lease.

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