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Fundamentals of Good Sustainability Reporting

Rima Chandra
Fundamentals of Good Sustainability Reporting

Think of the most important thing that you need to do to take your firm to the next level. Well, you might consider a number of things, from marketing to raising additional capital. However, the efforts will not be complete until you get it right on ESG sustainability reporting. So, what exactly is sustainability reporting? How does it work? Keep reading as we delve deeper into the concept of sustainability reporting to reveal the core fundamentals that make it good and complete.

A Closer Look at Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reporting is an emerging concept, which involves disclosing and communicating a company's impacts in three core areas; environment, social, and governance. It climaxes with the publishing of the report for stakeholders so that they can make the right decisions about the company. If your business is involved in responsible production, stakeholders will want to stick with you, injecting more capital or buying your products.

While the ultimate goal is creating a report that stakeholders can act on, it is important to put more focus on making sustainability part of the organization's strategy. This means that if you were to look at the sustainability of your enterprise in the absence of the report, it would still make your firm shine. For example, adopting clean energy and improving efficiency will come in handy in helping your company keep the cost of production low and enhance production. These benefits would still grow your firm to the next level. However, you have a reason to adopt ESG reporting because it comes with a lot more benefits, including:

●    Helps to build a stronger brand.

●    Cuts down the cost of production.

●    Helps your company to identify opportunities and strategies on how to cut down risks.

●    An excellent way to sustain growth and profitability.

●    Can help you to strengthen your brand.

Fundamentals of Good Sustainability Reporting in Business

Here are the main fundamentals to consider for your sustainability reporting to tick right and win you the needed support from stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement

As we indicated earlier, your sustainability reporting should be directed at stakeholders. You should rope them into the process when doing a review of the company processes at the start of the process. By asking stakeholders what they prefer focused on, you can identify the key topics to build on for the sustainability report. When you combine their preferences with materiality assessment, your company will be able to narrow down to areas with the greatest impacts.

Engaging the stakeholders also helps you set the goals not just for the ESG reporting process but also for the company's operations. If your company targets listing in exchanges such as HKEX, stakeholders will also tell you what to target in the long term. Remember to build on this engagement to strengthen the company’s brand in all areas, from social media to partnerships.

Support from Sustainability Frameworks

To give your reporting a higher layer of validity, make sure it is supported by a globally accredited framework. Here, you are free to select the most preferred framework depending on your company and niche. For example, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is a good pick for companies that want to focus more on climate. However, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) can work for your organization no matter its size or niche. Other frameworks to consider are the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).


Lastly, we cannot talk about sustainability reporting and its benefits without highlighting the importance of transparency. Your stakeholders want to look at the company's efforts and trust the information you provide. The reporting topics, the goals, and the results should showcase your mission to transform not just the operations but the globe. To achieve this, you need to ensure that the information is verifiable, easy to read, and reproducible.

As you can see, sustainability reporting is an important process for your company and it should be built on the fundamentals we have listed above. To ensure you get it right on sustainability reporting, make sure to also have the right environmental management software. Reach out to Diginex.com to learn more about ESG reporting, get technical support, and pick the best software.

Rima Chandra
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