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Ecommerce website development cost in India

BLeap Digital
Ecommerce website development cost in India

As an online business, you expect that your website should be the centre point for all conversions. A user visits your site, browses through your products and other offers. He may find something of interest and add it to his cart or just move on to other sites without buying anything. You don’t want this to happen so, at every step while surfing through your website, you need to show him the value proposition in the form of promising offers, discounts and easy payment options so he can complete the sale. But how much does it cost to build eCommerce websites?

Ecommerce has become one of the most effective ways for small businesses today because you do not require large investments when setting up an online shop compared with starting up a brick-and-mortar store. You can get started with a smaller budget and simply scale up your operations as the business grows.

When it comes to eCommerce website development costs in India, the sky is the limit. Depending on your needs and requirements, the price for building an online store could range from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 or more. But do not worry! We will break down the cost of setting up an eCommerce website so you have a better understanding of what goes into this process.

Domain name and hosting

The very first thing you need is a domain name and web hosting. This will cost you around Rs. 1,500 per year on average.

Web design

The next step is to design your website, which accounts for about 20 percent of the total eCommerce website development cost in India. You can use a template from one of the popular content management systems available online, but if you want a unique look, you should expect to pay at least Rs. 35,000 for web designing service.

Ecommerce application

An eCommerce app will give your site that extra edge and make it look more professional. If you are going to build an online store with shopping cart functionality, then this will add around 5–10% on top of your overall website development expense. One option is to hire a freelance developer who will charge up to Rs 15-20k for this job depending on how complex your requirements are.

payment gateway

You will also need a payment gateway to process payments online. This service is provided by various banks and merchant service providers and will cost you Rs. 2,000-3,500 per year.


Once your website is ready, you will need to start promoting it to attract traffic. This could include activities such as SEO, SEM, social media marketing, etc., which can be quite costly if not done correctly. A good eCommerce marketing agency can charge upwards of Rs. 50,000 a month for their services.

So there you have it! An approximate breakdown of the cost involved in setting up an eCommerce website in India. Keep in mind that these prices are subject to change based on fluctuations in the rupee and services offered.

With so many eCommerce website development companies in India offering ready-made shopping carts, it can be difficult to know which is the best service for your needs. Ask these questions before you hire an online store builder:

• What kind of design templates do they offer? Do they have different themes that allow you to set up different kinds of stores depending on their look and feel? Or do they just offer drag-and-drop functionality without any customization options?

• How much does it cost to build an eCommerce website? Is there a one-time fee or monthly fees involved too? Remember, you will need hosting and domain name so these expenses won’t be included in the overall price.

• What payment gateway options do they offer? Make sure the service is secure and trusted by consumers so you can process payments without any issues.

• Do they have an application programming interface (API) that allows third-party developers to build apps on top of your store? Many companies today offer their own mobile shopping applications for iOS and Android devices, but if you want to integrate your eCommerce website with other platforms like Facebook or Twitter, make sure the platform provider offers this functionality.

So there you have it! An approximate breakdown of the cost involved in setting up an eCommerce website in India. As mentioned earlier, these prices are subject to change based on fluctuations in the rupee and services offered.

BLeap Digital
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