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Spravato Treatment Center - Solace Psychiatry At Riverstone

Solace Psychiatry
Spravato Treatment Center - Solace Psychiatry At Riverstone

We offer spravato treatment to those with depression who have failed at least two antidepressants. Spravato is a prescription nasal spray, taken in conjunction with an oral antidepressant to treat Adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD), Depressive symptoms in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) with suicidal thoughts or actions. Spravato therapy can also be used in conjunction with a conventional antidepressant, which relieves symptoms of depression while the antidepressant takes effect. Because of Spravato’s potential to distort perception, the therapy must remain under medical supervision and until potential side effects have passed. This medication is FDA-approved and is covered by most insurance companies. Spravato therapy can vary based on an individual’s specific needs, but generally, the treatment includes 3 self-administered doses of the nasal spray, spaced 5 minutes apart, under medical supervision. The initial treatment consists of twice-weekly treatments for four weeks and then treatment once weekly but can vary depending on the response. It is a very affordable option for those with insurance who would like to try ketamine therapy. Patients will be required to have someone drive them home and will need to stay in our office for minimum of two hours For more information schedule an appointment by calling Solace Psychiatry @ (281) 778-9530 or visit: https://www.solacepsychiatry.com/services/spravato-treatment-centre

Solace Psychiatry
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