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Understanding Different Type of Belly Fat- Know It All

tanya singh
Understanding Different Type of Belly Fat- Know It All

Workout a day keeps a belly fat away’, isn’t it a great theory to consider to achieve your desire body shape.

But, how many of us are actually able to succeed in finally reducing our belly fat. When we start our workout, we often see that hard work in a gym gives us good results in losing excessive fat from our overall body; however, the struggle remains the same when it comes to tummy fat.

This belly fat refrain us to see ourselves in our dream figure or physique and we end up in disappointments. But, hey, before giving up on your belly fat, have you even thought of the reasons behind your belly fat? Ever gave an eye to understand what type of belly fat or belly fat shape you have?

Yes, there are different types of belly fat exist and the best part is that understanding the type of your belly fat can finally help you in getting rid of that stubborn fat.

Knowing your belly fat will help you to understand the causes of such fat and hey, knowledge is the first step to crack any challenge. Once you are aware about the cause, now you will be confident in moving forward in a direction which can actually lead to you to attain the final goal of attaining desirable flat tummy.

So, what are we waiting for! Let’s find out the details!

Types, Causes And The Ways To Fix It.

The first and the primary type of belly fat is:

1.      Stressed out belly fat

As the name suggests, this tummy shape indicates your stress level and lack of sleep. In case you are gaining stressed out belly fat, you might notice yourself often feeling out of breath and uncomfortable. The exhaustion level in real slows down your metabolism and fat layers get settled on your upper abdominal.

So now, when we know the cause of stressed-out belly fat, let find out the ways to work upon it:

As mentioned, it is majorly due to lack of sleep and stress, hence, our main step of getting rid of this fat, is to understand Sleep Management.

Ensure that you follow proper sleep ritual so that your body adapts one particular way of routine and brain can get signals of your activities timely and function properly

Now, let’s move on to the second type:

2.      Mommy Belly Fat

Again, as the name indicates, this kind of belly of fat is often observed after pregnancy. Though the happiest moment of any woman is to know the ability of giving new life, it does come with certain challenges too.

After giving birth to new born, the same skin becomes saggy that had built during pregnancy to save the fetus, and turns into mommy belly fat. But, don’t worry; it is something which can be fixed. Let’s get to know, how:

·        Drink plenty of water

·        Focus on lean proteins like fish and eggs or eat whole grain, vegetables and fruits, dark chocolate

·        Gradually increase your workout. Start with leg lifts to strengthen and tighten your tummy.

Now, the next type of belly fat is something that you might find difficult to fix it as it could be a part of your favorite activity which ‘drinking’. And the type is

3.      Beer Belly Fat

Summer’s time approaches and indeed, need of Chilled beer is one exciting thought that pops out in our minds. This emotion sometimes lead to us in a situation which at one hand, satisfy our taste buds and on the other hand gives us stress because of gaining beer belly fat. So, it means, we should stop drinking alcohol completely? That’s discomforting, isn’t it.

So let’s find out the way to fix the issue in such a way so that we could enjoy our chilled glass of beer and don’t even hamper our health. And that will be, simply satisfying the craving of beer by limiting yourself to 1 to 2 drinks per day so that you need to worry burning off your alcohol calories. Also, gradually, start experimenting, low calories, healthy mock tails which will resist you from drinking alcohol with time.

4.      Hormonal Belly Fat

Hormonal belly fat also named as Muffin Top Belly Fat is directly linked with imbalance of our hormones. This imbalance causes various problems like thyroid, PCOD etc, which leads to weight gain and increases layers of tummy fat. Hence, ensure the regular hormonal check up from your doctors to keep an eye on current status of hormonal changes in body.

Also, as the concern is related to hormones, to fix the issue keep a check on the following:

·        Carbohydrate Intake: Try to avoid cold drinks, reduce white bread consumption etc. Always keep a check on nutritional value of the packed food available in the market.

·        Add 20 minutes of brisk walk and jogging in your routine to ensure balance your calories consumption.

5.      Bloated Belly Fat: If you often face issues related to ingestion, constipation you can be the easy target of bloated belly fat. Hence, this type of fat can be taken of by simple observation of your choice of food which is causing bloating. Elimination of the foodstuff from your diet which causes often causes indigestion is one of the best ways to fix the bloating issues. In general, bloated belly is caused by dairy, gluten, wheat, fructose, and similar foods consumed during the day.

Hence, initially increase intake of foodstuff contains high fiber or fermented foods like yoghurt. Also, ensure drinking water as much as you can so that toxins can be easily passed out from 

In the end, always keep a check on your shape of belly and find out the type of belly fat you have so that it can be fixed effectively and the dream of attaining perfect body can finally becomes the reality of your life. 

tanya singh
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