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Buy Organic Green Tea as Long as You Stay Away from These Malpractices

Jayshree Tea
Buy Organic Green Tea as Long as You Stay Away from These Malpractices

A lot of us have our fascinations towards the consumption of green tea. We are all aware of the benefits that green tea has to offer with regards to detoxification and weight loss. It does not take us long these days to buy organic green tea online and consume our fancies. However, there are a few elementary things that we need to know about how to consume green tea. Truth be told, most of us have been going wrong in a lot of aspects. Let’s have a look.

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Buy organic green tea but don’t have it straight after a meal

We have all done this sometime or the other. Just for the record, no magic happens with regards to calorie burning if you have a cup of green tea right after eating a meal. The body takes some time to digest the proteins in the food. Consuming green tea right after eating hinders the entire protein-digestion process of the body. This should be avoided at all costs.

It is not a great idea to have green tea empty stomach

Every month, most of us spend time to buy organic green tea online. While that is great, we should also spend some time educating ourselves about how best to consume it. One mistake most of us make is that we consume it empty stomach in the morning. The common conception is that green tea due to it being an antioxidant would be the best to consume first thing out of bed in the morning. Well, not really. The first thing that we should do when we wake up is kickstart our metabolism by eating something light and soothing. Green tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols that can accelerate the production of stomach acids and disturb digestion if had on an empty stomach.

Never add honey to green tea when it is hot

Honey has some nutritive values that is good for the human body. Apart from that, we add it to our tea to bring some sweetness in the drink as it is perhaps the best alternative to sugar. However, one must understand that adding honey to very hot green tea destroys all the nutritional value of honey. The ideal way is to wait for the temperature of the tea to settle down a bit, and then add honey.

Don’t pop your morning pills with green tea

There is no denying the fact that a lot of us have the tendency to take our medicines with our morning cup of green tea. This can turn out to be very harmful for the body. Medicines come with a certain chemical composition. If consumed with green tea, there lies a chance of the chemical components of the pill and green tea reacting with each other, which might lead to acidity. It is best advised to take medicines with nothing but plain drinking water.

Green Tea and its’ consumption have rapidly gained popularity and acceptance over the past few years. To buy organic green tea with leisure and choice is something that any tea lover or fitness person indulges in. However, being aware of a few thumb rules is paramount when it comes to consumption of the same. Stated above are a few malpractices that we all should stay away from.

Jayshree Tea
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