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Consider These Top 4 Signs To Install A New Water Heater

Whitten Plumbing
Consider These Top 4 Signs To Install A New Water Heater

Water heaters are an essential component of our day-to-day life. Water heaters, like any other item, require routine maintenance and repair.

It is critical to recognise an issue with your water heater. Not only can detecting a problem help you avoid running out of hot water, but it will also help you extend the life of your tank or tankless water heater. Say goodbye to your plumbing problems with an affordable plumbing installation service.

1. Unit Is Leaking - It's typical for your water heater to produce condensation on the outside as a result of the temperature of the water and the space it's in. When there is a constant leak down the side of the unit or a pool of water at the base, you should be concerned. A plumber can inspect the entire unit and pinpoint the cause of the leak.

2. Rust or Discolored Water - If the rusty water is just coming from the hot temperature, there might be a problem inside the water tank. The heater's pole is constructed of metal and might rust if it is broken. Rust in your water might be harmful to your health. So, if you notice what appears to be rust or discolouration, call a plumber as soon as possible.

3. No Hot Water - Some factors can contribute to poor performance. It would not discharge hot water if you lowered the temperature on your heater to a lower setting. However, if your water heater runs out of water more frequently than normal, there might be a more serious problem. It might be the element or the burner, which not only causes harm but also increases your energy expenditures. Low water pressure, on the other hand, might indicate a problem.

4. When Repair Isn’t Enough - A repair may not always be enough to bring your water heater back to life. Alternatively, you might be spending money on repairs that don't appear to alleviate the problem. If this is the case, your water heater may need to be replaced. Also, if your unit is more than 10 years old, you should think about replacing it before it breaks.

If you are looking for water heater repair services near me, contact the experts at Whitten Plumbing Solutions LLC.

Whitten Plumbing
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