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Equity Finance and Mezzanine Finance

Equity Finance and Mezzanine Finance

What financing is and why you should know a little about it?

Unless your company has the balance sheet of Apple, you will most likely require capital through business financing at some point. Even many large-cap companies seek capital infusions on a regular basis to meet short-term obligations. Finding a suitable funding model is critical for small businesses. If you borrow money from the wrong place, you risk losing a portion of your business or being locked into repayment terms that will stifle your growth for years to come.

Equity Finance

A venture capitalist is typically a corporation rather than an individual. The firm has partners, as well as teams of lawyers, accountants, and investment advisors, who conduct due diligence on any potential investment. Because venture capital firms frequently deal in large investments ($3 million or more), the process is lengthy and the transaction is frequently complex.

Angel investors, on the other hand, are typically wealthy individuals who prefer to invest a smaller sum of money in a single product rather than building a business. They are ideal for someone like a software developer who requires capital to fund product development. Angel investors want simple terms and move quickly.

Mezzanine Finance

Consider yourself in the shoes of the lender for a moment. The lender wants to get the most bang for its buck with the least amount of risk. The issue with debt financing is that the lender does not get to share in the success of the business. All it gets is its money back with interest while risking default. By investment standards, that interest rate will not provide an impressive return. It will most likely provide returns in the single digits.

Mezzanine capital frequently combines the best aspects of both equity and debt financing. Although there is no standard structure for this type of business financing, debt capital frequently gives the lending institution the right to convert the loan to an equity interest in the company if you do not repay it on time or in full.

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