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Quebracho Empanadas

Quebracho Empanadas
Quebracho Empanadas

At Quebracho Empanadas we specialize in authentic Argentinian empanadas. I like to refer to them as the healthy version of a hot pocket. If you are like me, you probably enjoy having wholesome and healthy meals but probably have a busy lifestyle and rely a lot on the convenience of frozen food. Typically, when we shop the frozen aisle everything we find is either too doughy, too processed, too fried, and none of it really tastes that good. My family started these recipes in Argentina 80 years ago and I’ve kept them virtually unchanged –creamy and tender chicken, succulent beef, a rich blend of spinach and ricotta cheese. They are a great on-the-go snack, light lunch or full entrée.

Quebracho Empanadas
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