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Industrial equipment, tools and machinery

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Industrial equipment, tools and machinery


Industrial equipment, tools and machinery

After the Industrial Revolution, the tools and machinery used in different fields significantly changed. Due to these sweeping changes, the entire industry and the manufacturing of the equipment widely expanded. The deployment of the modern tools made humans’ functions more accurate. In addition, this led to a faster and wider production process and significant advances in every field of industry. Keep reading this article if you want to know everything about industrial tools in detail.


What are industrial tools & equipment?

Industrial equipment, tools and machinery are a wide range of manual or powered products, which are ranging from small components to huge machines. They employ in each industry sectors from the raw materials to agriculture, manufacturing, construction and services.


Categorization of industrial equipment

Types of industrial equipment vary according to their application. This includes:

·       Gas & Pneumatic tools

Lathe And Cutting tools

Power And Rechargeable tools

Hand Tools

Workshop Tools

Measuring Tools


Types of cutting and lathe tools

Cutting and lathe tools are machines and components mainly used to shape materials and produce turned parts. You can use the lathe tools in different projects and operations. There are different types of cutting lathe tools due their applications. This includes:

·       Turning tools

·       Mounting tools

·       Clamping tools

·       Undercutting tools

·       Tapering tools

·       Knurling tools

·       Drilling tools

·       Facing tools

·       Boring tools

·       Cutting tools


Why do different industries need to use power and rechargeable tools?

The power and rechargeable tools are both stationary and portable equipment, which are among the most popular components and machineries nowadays. It is due to their ease of use and the ability of simplifying the industrial processes. The main advantages of using power and rechargeable tools are as following:

·       Better and faster performance

·       Better results and efficiency

·       Consistency and adaptability

·       Greater accuracy

·       Convenience


Types of industrial pneumatic and gas tools

Ease of use and safety features make pneumatic and gas tools the most popular equipment in both industrial and domestic sections. Due to their application, there are different types of industrial pneumatic and gas tools such as:

·       Air guns

·       Pneumatic cylinders

·       Pneumatic sprayers

·       Pneumatic actuators


Industrial welding equipment and tools

Using the welding equipment helps you to create joints and solder any pieces. Types of these tools are as following:

·       Soldering irons

·       Stick welders

·       TIG welders

·       MIG welders

·       Gas welders


The Benefits and importance of measuring devices in industry

The precise measurement is the key factor of manufacturing high quality products. The accurate measuring tools and devices and skilled workforce who are able to use and manage these equipment are both vital parts of every industrial process. Using measuring tools in industry has numerous benefits such as:

·       Obtaining better results

·       Producing high quality products

·       Offering the best, most compatible services

Types of workshop tools

Workshop tools are among the most important devices in industry and domestic fields. They help you to make the processes more accurate and faster. The most popular types of workshop tools are as following:

·       Wrenches

·       Pliers

·       Hammers

·       Axes

·       Screw drivers

·       Locking pliers

·       Measuring tools

·       Cutting tools

Application of various hand tools

Due to the wide use of hand tools, they are among the most popular and applicable components of every industrial process such as forging, production and mechanical. The ordinary people also use these devices in their everyday life. The application of some of these hand tools are as following:


·       Wrenches

Wrenches allow the user to turn a bolt or nut, or prevent them from turning. Open end, box end and combination wrenches are among the most popular types.

·       Pliers

Pliers act like the lever and help you to cut, crimp or brake the nails and springs by multiplying the pressure of your hand.

·       Hammers

Hammers are one of the earliest devices created by human beings. Claw hammers, specialty hammers, ball peen hammers and sledgehammers are among the most popular types.


The bottom line

As you can see, there are different types of industrial tools and equipment, which are applicable in every stage of processes. You can hardly imagine human life without these tools and machines.

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