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Best Positions To Paste The Pain Relief Patch

Best Positions To Paste The Pain Relief Patch

Elderly people often have chronic strain diseases such as neck, shoulder, waist and leg, and pain relief patches are easy to use and are one of the common methods to treat pain. Using the pain relief patch seems to be very simple, but there are also many things that need attention. For example, in which position does it work well? How to apply it so that it is not easy to fall off? Today we will talk to you about the tips of pain relief patching.

01 Where to put the pain relief patch?

Most people think that "where to paste where it hurts", such as knee pain on the knee, neck pain on the neck...... To be honest, such a practice can only play a part of the medicinal effect, Chinese medicine believes that applying pain relief patches according to acupuncture points can play a greater role. Here, Kangdi introduce several common parts of the pain paste location: 

Neck and shoulder pain:

Dazhi point: the depression below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra (the highest point of the neck when sitting with the head down).  Shoulder well point: the midpoint of the line connecting the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra and the most lateral point of the shoulder peak.

Lumbar pain:

Fate Gate: located under the second lumbar vertebra (on the back opposite to the navel).  Lumbar Yangguan: depression under the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra (intersection of the line connecting the highest points of the hip bones on both sides with the midline of the back).

Lumbar eye: a depression 3-4 inches to the left and right of the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra in the lumbar region (when standing, a depression can be observed above the buttocks).

Knee pain:

Inner and outer knee eyes: bending the knee, in the two depressions inside and outside the knee.

The top of the crane: located in the knee, in a depression on the midpoint of the patella.

02 How to apply the pain relief patch to make it stronger?

1、Clean the skin, do not have oil or sweat stains. If there are coarse and heavy hairs, they should be shaved off first.

2、After applying the pain relief patch to the corresponding area, press it with your hand for a few minutes to make the pain relief patch more firmly applied by using your hand temperature.

3、Do not tear the paste repeatedly.

4、Cut the poultice according to the different parts of the poultice to better match the parts of the poultice. (Note: The length of the cutout is based on the size of the pain relief patch and personal needs. Specifications shown: 15cm long x 10cm wide.)

Paste on the neck:

1、Cut the pain relief patch from the horizontal left and right sides of each 2-3cm.

2、Adhere the upper part of the cutout to the neck, stretch the lower part to both sides and stick it, and finally press the whole part to make it adhere completely.

Paste on shoulder:

1、Fold the pain relief patch in half lengthwise and cut 2-3cm from the middle with scissors (the same method is used to cut the pain relief patch for the elbow and knee).

2、Adhere the upper part of the cutout to the shoulder, stretch the lower part and stick it, and finally press the whole part to make it stick completely.

Paste on elbow:

Put the upper part of the cut-out on the forearm side of the elbow joint and stick the lower part on the upper arm side of the elbow joint after stretching and sticking, and finally press it to make it adhere completely.

Paste on knee joint: 

Apply the upper half of the cut piece to the forearm side of the elbow joint.

Apply the upper part of the cut-out on the front upper part of the knee joint, stretch the lower part, and finally press it to make it adhere completely.

Paste on ankle: 

1、Cut the pain relief patch longitudinally on the upper and lower sides for 2-3cm.

2、Fit the cutout to the bend of the ankle, stick the upper part on the upper part of the ankle, stretch the lower part and stick it, and finally press the whole part to make it adhere completely.

03 Complications and time of pain relief patching?


The most common complication is allergy, skin itching, redness, pimples, blisters, etc., are allergic. These conditions should be discontinued immediately, and generally the symptoms will slowly subside after discontinuation. If the symptoms are serious or continue to worsen, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department for consultation.

Applying time

General ointment paste 8-24 hours, the specific time to consult a doctor or strictly in accordance with the instructions to use.

04 The pain relief patch is uncovered in such a way that it does not hurt!

1、First use a hot towel to apply hot compress to the area where the pain relief patch is located before removing it, the pain will be reduced. When applying hot compresses to the elderly, be sure to pay attention to the water temperature to avoid burns.

2、Scrape the local skin hairs before applying the pain relief patch, if the local skin is not treated, the direction of the hairs should be followed when uncovering the pain relief patch.

3、When uncovering the pain relief patch, you can apply talcum powder or baby oil while uncovering. If you don't have these, you can use some vegetable oil such as olive oil.

05 Please use with caution in the following cases!

1、Allergic to the ingredients of the cream or allergic to the body.

2、Rashes, skin infections or open wound areas.

3、Caution should be taken when applying to special areas such as abdomen and high edema.

4、Caution is needed for women during menstruation, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and diabetic patients.

5、Sprains should not be pain relief patched immediately. As many pain relief patchs contain blood-activating ingredients, it will accelerate local blood circulation and exude a lot of liquid, which will make the swelling more serious and aggravate the local pain. Therefore, in case of acute sprains, it is recommended to apply pain relief patchs after 24 hours.


1、It is recommended that the elderly should not apply lotion or anthralin before applying the pain relief patch.

2、If the skin is accidentally damaged when tearing the pain relief patch, erythromycin eye ointment can be applied externally to the wound for 3-7 days to prevent infection.

3、After the pain relief patch is removed, there may be adhesive left on the skin, you can use alcohol to wipe.

Any interests and more detials, welcome your visit: www.kangdimedical.com

Henan Kangdi Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

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