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3 Usage Principles Of Herbal Pain Patch

3 Usage Principles Of Herbal Pain Patch

Many people use Herbal pain patch to relieve muscle soreness. To be effective, it also contain other anti-inflammatory ingredients. The key is to use it in no excess, otherwise the drug will be absorbed through the skin in large quantities, which may also cause side effects.

Although the usage of herbal pain patch is very safe, Kongdy reminds everyone not to use it excessively or use it on a large area, otherwise the drug will be absorbed through the skin in large quantities, which may cause side effects.

Muscle soreness is usually caused by overuse of muscles. The most common topical treatment drugs are "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs". Common ingredients include: salicylic acid, Diclofenac, etc., which can inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory substances and reduce pain sensation. The sensitivity of the receptor to achieve the effect of anti-inflammatory and pain relief.

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Compared with oral anti-inflammatory painkillers, it is generally believed that external medicines are relatively safe and will not harm the liver and kidneys. If it is used in a large area and the dosage is too high, the medicinal properties may still be absorbed through the skin and enter the human body, which will also cause harm.

Topical anti-inflammatory drugs such as Herbal pain patch should pay attention to the following 3 principles:

1. Use 1 type at a time: no matter whether you use a herbal pain patch, a wipe or a spray, use one type at a time, and it will not be overdose; if you have an allergic reaction, you should know which drug is causing it.

2. Follow directions: Avoid overdose, usually do not use more than 2 times a day.

3. Do not use it on a large area: Regardless of the patch or external medicine, it should be avoided to apply or smear on a large area.

In addition, if the symptoms of soreness have eased, you should stop using it; in addition, it is also recommended to start with prevention, such as adjusting your posture, taking appropriate rest, and reducing the risk of muscle soreness due to work or exercise, so as not to rely too much on anti-inflammatory painkillers.

KONGDY: www.kongdymedical.com

Henan Kangdi Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

Contact Person: Sean Chen


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