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6 Tips and Tricks for Caring for Cast Iron Skillet so that the Quality is Long Lasting

Malaysia Chef Nik
6 Tips and Tricks for Caring for Cast Iron Skillet so that the Quality is Long Lasting

Cast iron skillet  is an old cooking utensil. The manufacturing technology is not as complicated as a non-stick fry pan. Cast iron skillet  is suitable for cooking at high temperatures for a long time.

This type of frying pan is very heat resistant and durable, if cared for properly. So, let's live a long life, try to apply some of the tips below.

1. Don't let it submerge in the water

Like different metals, iron can rust. In addition, assuming lowered in steaming hot water, iron can rust quicker. Continuously store dry.

2. Don't wash your cast iron skillet with soap

You should possibly wash the cast iron skillet with cleanser when it's new, prior to involving it for cooking. Wash with heated water that has been blended in with cleanser, then, at that point, eliminate the froth.

Then, you can wash it with high temp water, somewhat coarse salt, and a unique brush. On the off chance that there's cooking buildup adhered to it, warm the dish, then, at that point, utilize a silicone scrubber to eliminate the stain.

3. Always coat it with oil

Covering with oil or called preparing is obligatory for solid metal range of abilities . When covered with oil, cast iron skillet becomes nonstick. The stunt, spread sufficient oil on the whole surface of the skillet, then, at that point, heat it on low hotness so the oil saturates the pores of the metal.

Continuously dry the cast iron skillet subsequent to washing it by warming it on the oven or in the broiler. To store it, cover the dish with oil again uniformly. Then, at that point, dry it by warming it in the stove. 

4. Do not use to cook seafood

Try not to cook fish with cast iron abilities since iron will in general retain the smell and taste, except if you have a unique prospect fish, that is fine.

5. Don't cook acidic ingredients for too long

Cast iron skillet must be utilized to cook acidic elements for under 30 minutes. Assuming more, the ferrous metal will respond to give the food an unusual taste. 

6. The rusty cast iron skillet can be saved

Relax, the corroded cast iron skillet can be fixed! To begin with, absorb the skillets the water and vinegar combination for 60 minutes. Then, at that point, sprinkle baking soft drink on the skillet, then, at that point, rub it with a treated steel material.

Rub equally over the whole surface until the rust is no more. Then, dry on the oven or in the stove. Then, at that point, wipe the whole surface of the skillet with oil and a paper towel. Do this multiple times, and dry in the stove for about 60 minutes.

Malaysia Chef Nik
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