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Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Online Courses

Mirko Bronzi
Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Online Courses

Free courses are very popular and people are always registering. This includes short courses and MOOC modules from some of the best universities in the world. The best part is that it's definitely free.

But there is some truth to the saying that you get what you pay for. The fact that you pay for a course means you are more likely to complete it. Free courses have a high dropout rate and do not actually lead to recognized qualifications.

Advantages of Free Lessons

  • Free

The great advantage of free online lessons is that you do not have to pay tuition. The only significant costs are time and energy. What you really need is a desktop or mobile computer with basic broadband (enough GB to download videos).

Some courses require payment at the end if you want a certificate of completion. However, this is an additional cost.

  • Control what you study

Free courses give you full control over what you study because there are no financial obligations. You get what you want from the course and you can stop at any time. If the course teaches you something you want to know or see a better option, close it and continue.

Many people do not take free courses. Often this is not due to course problems or lack of effort. Students choose fast learning and continue learning before completing the entire curriculum.

  • Mix and Match

Another element of free online course management is that you can choose any course in any discipline. There are no boundaries as it is not aimed at formal qualifications such as bachelors. Free courses are a great way to test yourself in a variety of careers.

  • Show genuine interest in the subject.

The obligations associated with taking free online courses are usually not as large as the overall obligations paid. Because of this, you can impress potential employers. Taking a non-accredited course is a testament to your personal commitment. You study a topic of interest because you have a passion for learning, not just a qualification.

Disadvantages of Free Training

  • No accredited qualifications.

Committed to awarding qualifications that recognize the results of completing free training courses at distance learning providers. However, an accredited university degree at this stage cannot be used for free online education. Employers generally do not consider you eligible because of free education.

Part of the problem with

is that free courses are not generally designed to provide credentials. Tests can often deceive. Education standards are also low and passable too easily. Free online course providers make it easy because they want you to complete more than one section (and you don't want to give up because of bad grades).

  • It's hard to keep going

It's hard to keep going due to the lack of financial burden for the free course. Eventually, self-discipline (or self-control) wears out.

Tendency to skip boring content or invest in bliss. If you're just studying for fun and to stimulate your mind, that's fine. However, it does not help you develop good study habits and you can learn much less than you would learn from a paid course.

Mirko Bronzi
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