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Meeko Enterprises PVT LTD

Meeko World
Meeko Enterprises PVT LTD

Meeko is an online learning platform that connects Educators, students, & parents to enhance the learning experience with virtual & free online live courses.

There lived a Mojo family. As happy as their name sounds they were quite stressed, you may wonder why? The whole family was very talented and had incredible skills. They wanted the same for their kid ‘Baby Mojo’. Baby Mojo wanted to learn new things but he got tired of the educators available near him who had a very basic knowledge of those skills and had very limited options of educators. Mamma Mojo searched so many online learning platforms for live online classes so that Baby Mojo can learn new skills at home and enjoy the learning process. She tried so many e-learning platforms, virtual online classes, and even online classes app but nothing seems interesting for Baby Mojo. Baby mojo wan ted something really interesting with various options available so he can explore and find out what he is interested in. Mama Mojo was very stressed about Baby Mojo. Seeing Mamma Mojo under stress Papa Mojo took matters into his hands and went on a hunt for top online learning platforms which provides virtual online classes for kids. In the search, he came across various platforms and looked at all the courses and classes provided by various online learning platforms but they all had some drawbacks. Papa Mojo was about to give up but then he found Meeko. 

He saw that not only does Meeko provides live online classes but also free online courses for kids with so many skills and educators to choose from. Papa Mojo showed this to Mamma Mojo and she got excited because she knew Baby Mojo will love this as Meeko also has mini-games for kids and they also give rewards once your child completes a number of classes Mamma Mojo booked a live class for Baby Mojo and he loved it. What Baby Mojo loved about Meeko is how the whole platform is made for kids and has a space theme. Baby Mojo got excited when he received spaceship parts when he completed his live class. The platform is so easy to use that Baby Mojo browses online courses by himself. He also loves his avatar and styles it according to his style. Baby Mojo finally got good teachers who are pros in their skills and taught him very well. Mamma Mojo now always books live online classes for Baby Mojo on Meeko. Mamma Mojo also gives Baby Mojo digital pocket money that is meekoins which he can use for buying cool accessories for his avatar. Now the Mojo parents are no more stressed about Baby Mojo.

Meeko World
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