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How to Become a School Psychologist | Dr. Neha Mehta

Dr. Neha Mehta
How to Become a School Psychologist | Dr. Neha Mehta

School plays an influential role in a child’s life, because a kid spends a huge part of his/her lifespan in attending school. But sudden changes can be hard to adjust for some students. Some other situations and problems, such as family disputes and learning disabilities can also make it difficult for students to cope up. School Psychology promotes a positive learning environment and equal access to services to ensure healthy development for all kids. 

School Psychologists work directly with students in order to help them succeed academically, socially and emotionally. A school psychologist’s job is to be an advocate for children in a school setting. They also play an essential role in a student’s education and growth. They also have the ability to make enormous differences in the student life. They are able to navigate the issues underlying any learning, developmental and behavioral problems that may be holding a student back from achieving his or her maximum abilities. Here are some skills a School Psychologist must have:

  • Patience & Kindness 
  • Time Management 
  • Social & Communication Skills 
  • A Good Listener
  • Social Perception 
  • Decision Making Skills 

Know more about How you can Become a Successful School Psychologist 

Dr. Neha Mehta
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