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Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Real Estate Agent in the United States

Empire of Real Estate
Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Real Estate Agent in the United States

The average base salary for a real estate agent is $108,465.

The stats are self-lauding why real estate is at the top of the shortlist for the best career options in the United States in 2022.

So, if you’re on the ship, you have landed at the right place.

Multiple steps are involved in becoming an expert real estate agent. With every state having particular needs, becoming a real estate agent may be a bit daunting. But you need not worry; here is an ultimate guide to becoming a property agent.

Even if you are brand new to this industry or you are already aware of the fundamentals of obtaining a real estate license, this article will guide you to feel fully prepared for an exciting journey ahead.

how to Become a Real Estate Agent in the United States

What Does a Real Estate Agent Do?

Fundamentally speaking, real estate agents or realtors work with their clients to sell, rent, or buy properties including land, houses, and even commercial buildings. Well, this section breaks down the key roles and duties of a real estate agent. Here is some truth about being a real estate agent and what they do as an industry expert:


  • Answer their Clients’ Phone Calls and Reply to Emails
  • Schedule Appointments on their Client’s Behalf
  • Update Property Listings for their Clients
  • Draft and Deliver their Clients’ Properties Documents
  • Order Supplies


  • Perform Property Market Analysis
  • Stay Updated with Real Estate Trends, Markets, and Best Practices
  • Search Open Listings and Find Available Properties


  • Design, Create, and Distribute Marketing Materials
  • Manage their Digital Presence like on Social Media
  • Create Network with Local Businesses and Potential Clients
  • Run Advertising Campaigns

Essential Qualifications for Becoming a Real Estate Agent

Property agents are occupied with selling and buying the property. If you are thinking about how to become a real estate agent, it is crucial for the person to know the housing market. To become a property agent, the candidate should fulfill the following requirements:

Be 18 Or Older

Property agents need to be at least 18 years old. So, there are particular steps you’ll have to follow if you are willing to be a property agent before reaching your 18th birthday. A thing you’ll need to do is to gather a good amount of funds to reach an entry-level position in the real estate industry, as it generally starts as an individualistic contracting job where you won’t be paid much. It may not be worth it for you, so you can become a property agent only after completing your high school graduation.

Meet Local Licensing Requirements

This aspect varies between countries, states, and cities, so check out your city before initiating your journey at best. You have to own a working bank account linked to your present address. So, the taxes will automatically be deducted directly from your paychecks.

Enroll in Property Agent Training Courses

Being a property agent initiates with enrolling in a pre-license course that will help you to clear the real estate exam. It can be a great way of getting your foot straight in the way of becoming a great career for you.

Gain Applicable Work Experience

If entering into property appears like something that you always wanted to do without having much experience. Then it is more likely that your application procedure will take several hours extra than if you have some relevant experience and knowledge already.

Essential Qualifications for Becoming a Real Estate Agent

How to Get a Real Estate Agent Licence in California

Well, if someone wants to acquire a real estate agent license in California, follow the below-mentioned points.

Step — 1: Enroll in a Real Estate Course.

Step — 2: Submit Your Real Estate License Application to California Government.

Step — 3: Give a Real Estate Examination in California.

Step — 4: Find a Property Broker in California.

You can follow the above-mentioned points to become a real estate agent in California.

How to Get a Real Estate Agent Licence in Kentucky?

Are you thinking about how to become a real estate agent in Kentucky? Well, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step — 1: Complete Your 96-hour Real Estate Pre-License Course.

Step — 2: Get Your Criminal Background Checked.

Step — 3: Pass Your Real Estate Examination in Kentucky.

Step — 4: Choose a Reliable Sponsoring Broker.

Step — 5: Submit Your Real Estate Licensing Application.

How to Get a Real Estate Agent Licence in Maine?

Do you want to become a property agent in Maine? In a nutshell, here are some ideas on how to become a real estate agent in Maine.

Step — 1: Your age should be a minimum of 18 years.

Step — 2: You should complete your high school diploma.

Step — 3: Complete Real Estate Pre-Licensing Classes in Maine with a minimum length of 55 Hours.

Step — 4: Pass Your Real Estate Sales Associate Exam in Maine.

Step — 5: Find a Reliable Sponsoring Broker.

Step — 6: Submit a Criminal Clearance Check.

Step — 7: Submit Your Licensing Application.

Follow these steps, and you will be able to get a real estate agent license in Maine.

What is the Average Salary of Realtors & Other Considerations?

Wondering how much realtors make? Well, the average real estate agent salary working in the United States is around $86,295 per year. Whatsoever, the majority of real estate agents work on a commission basis, and their average income differs by market values, city, and state. In addition, some realtor agencies provide a base salary to their agents along with some commission to every potential client they bring.

What is the Average Salary of Realtors & Other Considerations

How Much Does a California Real Estate Agent Make on Average?

For unsurprising reasons, it is pretty difficult to track down a precise figure of how much real estate agents make in California. Reasons mainly include factors such as workload, property listings, location, popularity, politics, and the property’s demand. As of March 2022 data, the yearly average income of realtors in California was $68,860.

How Much Does a Kentucky Real Estate Agent Make on Average?

Kentucky is a well-known state for its distinctive blend of rich heritage and culture. But are you thinking — how much do real estate agents make in Kentucky? The real estate market in Kentucky is undoubtedly lagging somewhere behind the national average. But several real estate agents there are generating six-figure incomes. For instance, real estate sales records in the year 2021 broke the record with a mind-blowing revenue of $14.3 billion.

How Much Does a Maine Real Estate Agent Make on average?

Let’s now have a look at real estate agent salary Maine. When the topic comes to their yearly income, the core factors include location, local demand, work experience, qualifications, local politics, and brokerage policies. According to March 2022 data, the annual average salary of real estate agents in Maine was $42,232.

How Much Does a Maine Real Estate Agent Make on average

How Can You Become Successful in Real Estate?

Real estate can prove to be an exciting, lucrative, fun, and fulfilling career. But the competition here is very rigorous, especially for newcomers. Are you thinking — How to become a millionaire real estate agent? If it is true, you will need to work very hard and set yourself as a unique personality of being the best real estate agent. Here are a few tips that will guide you to achieve your goals with greater ease.

Develop Resiliency

Real estate can prove to be a challenging career for newcomers, and it might take some time for them to develop a strong income stream. Well, your ability and determination to bounce back from failures are practically crucial factors if you want to pursue a successful career in the real estate industry.

Be an Expert in Your Local Area

Digital real estate services have changed the entire real estate industry by offering free and quick data with minimum obligations to the users. But the one thing that the internet cannot offer is personal experience and insight. So, attend as many training sessions and career development courses as possible.

Find a Great Training Programme or Mentor

Your pre-license classroom program teaches you several regarding calculations and legal definitions but not too much about clients & sales. Real estate is the prototypical career that you can learn while actually being on the job. Therefore, it is crucial for you to find a mentor who will teach you properly about this industry and also inspire you to develop as an expert agent. If you lack such a mentor, search for a real estate broker that has on-job training programs specially designed to help new agents to become successful.

Develop a Referral Network

A successful real estate agent primarily works through referrals. So, it is crucial for you to create and maintain a great relationship as well with all your sellers and buyers. Your core goal should be to put forward people before commissions. Everyone deserves to get paid for their work. But regardless of the commission, helping your clients to get the best will establish trust. It will further create leads for your business through referral and word-of-mouth mechanisms.


A great first step to a real estate career is taking enrolment in pre-license courses. These courses will help you to prepare and qualify to take the real estate licensing examination and for an emerging career in the real estate industry. A proficient program will meet all the real estate requirements and will consist of REA290AH — Real Estate Seminar; and REA201 — Real Estate Principles first and second.

Originally published at https://medium.com

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