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Things You Need to Know About 2D Animation

Samuel Ttan
Things You Need to Know About 2D Animation

When you think of 2D animation, what comes to mind? Do you recall the cartoons you used to watch on TV as a kid? Or the video games that you played? All of it makes use of 2D animation. 2D animation includes putting movement in two-dimensional characters, creatures, backgrounds, etc. The drawings are sequenced overtime to give the appearance as if they are moving together. 2D Animation Production Singapore does animation for TV shows, movies, mobile applications, advertisements and a lot more.

2D Animation Production Singapore helps in creating engaging content for businesses. Animated advertisements, corporate presentations and other materials are created by 2D Animation Company Singapore, which helps in increasing conversion rates for business. Customers always find animated content interactive and engaging. Higher customer attention results in better retention, thus improving brand recall.

However, in order to create a story that is engaging, 2D Animation Company Singapore goes through a multiple step process. Business houses must employ experts for the entire process to leverage their skills and expertise. It starts right from conceptualisation and ends with editing to give a final look at the animated output. 

Pre-Production Phase

The first stage in the process starts with knitting a story. The entire video's script is written by the animation crew. They choose the appearance of the characters. It involves drawing their faces and body. Designing a character also involves deciding the colour theme for costumes. A basic sketch is prepared. The basic version is then followed by detailed versions. The colours are added at the next step. The background for the entire scene is also decided. The team records a voice-over to add the audio to the output. The script that has been prepared mentions the timeline and sequence of all the actions by characters.

Production Phase

All the elements of the animation are put together in this stage to get the output. Backgrounds and characters are given colours with the help of computer software. All of the instructions for completing a scene are listed on a sheet. Actions and their timings, different voice overs, backgrounds are all listed in one place. Animation software is used to finally polish and combine all the elements to create the output.

Post Production Phase

Additional sound effects and special effects are added in this phase. It adds a creative dimension to the animation. Different sound effects increase the emotional appeal of the video. The animation is complete once the final additions are created and the finishing touches are applied. Post this, it is converted into required formats and exported to the required space.

Now you know the entire process that goes into making one simple video. 2D animation is a complex process and takes a lot of skill to execute effectively. Businesses that use animations can outperform their competitors with their content. So, if you want to provide quality content to your customer, go and consult the best animation service providers who will help you take your business to new heights. 

Samuel Ttan
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