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2 tips for content creators to wow

2 tips for content creators to wow
Research says that by 2021, the world will be watching 100 minutes of video per day. Considering that the world spent most of 2020 in isolation, that number may have already been reached.

In those circumstances, how can you make your content stand out on the net and grab attention? Content creators and YouTubers, here are two tips from Gumchak, an expert video production company in Chennai.

1. Keep your videos short and sweet

Videos under one minute have a better chance of getting watched completely than videos above two minutes. People don’t have the time to watch lengthy videos, so yours should be short and sweet. Make sure you put subtitles to access more crowds.

2. Make consumers the centre of your video

Ask yourself what your consumers want from the video. You’re not making a video for yourself, or what you want to see. Only create what your target audience wants to see – it becomes easy to sell.

If you’re looking to deliver the perfect message to make a digital impression, contact the best education, entertainment, and corporate video makers in Chennai at +91 63691 63836 to get started on your idea. Visit www.gumchak.com to learn more about our services.
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