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Lost love portion.

Psychic karim
Lost love portion.

Did you lose your lover to someone else?

Was there a terrible breakup in your relationship?

Do you still have powerful and strong feelings for your ex-lover?

Do you want to get back your ex-wife or husband?

Are you failing to cope in your new relationship due to the feelings you have for your past lover?

Stop cheating portion

The spell to stop cheating works by joining together the power of visualizations to the potent lunar energies to make it effective. 

When working with Faithfulness Spells, it is crucial to remember that certain moon phases are most appropriate to particular magical workings.

If you wish to focus on banishing negative energies and third parties out of your life, you perform this spell when the moon is dark and waning. If you wish to draw your lover closer to you, you should perform the spell when the moon is waxing to full. Depending on how you choose to approach this Stop Cheating Spell you could work practically under any moon phase. To banish temptation or your fear of imagined infidelity, perform this spell under a dark or waning moon. To increase commitment or fidelity in your relationship, work this spell under a full or waxing moon.

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Psychic karim
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