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Japan today

The Japanese culture is rich in ceremonies and traditions that revere the family. Japan has been able to minimize the influence of foreign cultures for centuries since it is an island country. This allowed a distinct culture and heritage to develop for the beautiful Land of the Rising Sun.

Details from your Japanese ancestors' lives will enhance your family history with key rites of passage, festivals of celebration, and unique attire and style.

A Cultural Rite of Passage: Hatsu Miyamairi

A treasured family ritual for the close loved ones of a newborn infant is Hatsu Miyamairi, or Omiyamairi, which means "shrine visit." For this particular rite of passage, the baby's parents or grandparents take him or her to a Shinto shrine. This Japanese Shinto ceremony, which is performed 31 days after the birth of a boy and 33 days after the birth of a girl, expresses appreciation for the child's birth.

Babies are usually carried by their grandmothers, clad in a white kimono or special white garment. The shrine priest offers a prayer for the newborn's health and happiness.

Today's Japanese Culture

Residents of Japan must be aware of earthquakes and tsunami warnings due to the potential of earthquakes and the fact that the country is surrounded by water. On March 11, 2011, a massive tsunami triggered by an earthquake killed almost 20,000 people in northern Japan. Despite the possibility of natural disasters, Japan is frequently considered of as a safe, orderly, and welcoming place to live.

Cities and larger towns offer a diverse range of retail opportunities and delectable cuisine. Furthermore, Japan's public transportation system is regarded as one of the cleanest in the world.

Do you think you'll be bothered by the crowds? Not all of Japan is densely populated. Many spots in rural Japan offer wide views, despite the fact that cities are fairly crowded. Anime and manga has also take the cities views and if you are a fan you will enjoy a lot with it.

You can experience four unique seasons while wandering this lovely island. Pink cherry blossoms in the spring, lush greens in the summer, mild autumn winds in the fall, and peaceful, snowy nights in the winter characterize these seasons.

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