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Can you lose weight with low-impact cardio?

Can you lose weight with low-impact cardio?

If you have concerns related to your joints or concerns with the injuries, then low impact cardio is the best and safest exercise method. It helps keep one foot on the ground and elevates the stress or pressure from the joints. Doing low-impact cardio doesn’t mean that you won’t be sweating because that will happen after a point. Here are five best ways to lose weight with the help of low impact cardio: 

  • Join a gym or go swimming: 

Swimming is the best joint-friendly exercise that you can do, and it also helps in losing calories. The water level reduces the stress on your body and helps in supporting the weight. Swimming also incorporates cardio, flexibility, and strength, and it helps build the muscles and core as well. It is one of the best exercises that are there in the world. You can easily lose calories and weight with the help of swimming. Make sure you plan it accordingly, and then you will be able to lose the fat easily with the help of swimming. 

  • One foot down with cardio kickboxing: 

It is simple to make a low workout impact as it helps in sweating and getting rid of the calories. You also do not need any bag as all the moves can be performed in the air with the least impact. Take it easy with the kicks and the landings too, or else you will face injuries on your knees and ankles. 

  • Focus on rowing at the gym: 

Another type of exercise that is helpful is rowing. It is one of the low-impact cardio exercises which helps with all the joint-related concerns. It helps in losing weight and getting rid of calories. You need the machine for this, and then you can start with rowing, which will build the core and help you get rid of the extra fat in the body. 

  • Get your fit on with TRX: 

TRX helps in losing bodyweight and also helps in the cardio workout sessions. You can do the exercises as per the difficulty level that you have in mind for your session. The straps will help you in providing the support that you need. If you have a set of straps at home, then it is worth doing this exercise. Make sure that you do enough research on this exercise before starting with the basic moves. It will help in promoting total body strength and will make you fit. It is one of the low-impact cardio, which helps get rid of calories and become fit. 

  • Stay at home and do this cardio circuit: 

If you want to do a session at home, then follow all these exercises, and you will be good to go: 

Run and jump in a place: Start with landing softly and then as fast as you can as it will help you with your muscles. 

Modified mountain climber: You can start slow but keep the focus on your feet movements. 

Low-impact jumping jack: It will help you avoid the pressure on your knees and help you get rid of the calories. 

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