If you’re an established vaper, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the term cloud-chasing by now. As vaping grew popular among the general public, most vapers started striving to create bigger and better clouds.
Nowadays, there are even competitions in cloud-chasing where you can win amazing prizes for your special skills.
Therefore, you’re surely wondering how you can produce those large smoky clouds of vapor by yourself. Here, you’ll find a handy guide on cloud-chasing you can use to practice your skills and bring them to an impressive level.
Choose a good kit
The first step to making big clouds is to choose a good kit. You can find plenty of try pachamama disposable today at affordable prices that’ll allow you to practice your cloud-chasing techniques.
Essentially, you’ll want a kit that has variable MOD wattage. With it, you can adjust the output power mode of your device, which allows you to tweak your wattage levels and find the perfect setting. Furthermore, controlling the device's output also allows you to influence flavor and cloud production, which is what you’re aiming for when cloud-chasing.
Choose the sub-ohm quality coils that can handle the extreme heat of the device. The tank also needs to be of glass material that can take the heat and contents of the liquid you’re using. The size of the tank is also essential, especially if you plan on having long vaping sessions.
Additionally, the battery can also play an essential role in how successful your cloud-chasing session is. A high-quality and fully charged battery can withstand even the most demanding actions, which cloud-chasing is.
Use appropriate e-juices
Although vape juices come in all kinds of flavors, this isn’t exactly what you’re looking for when purchasing e-juices for cloud production.
Namely, all e-juices contain two primary ingredients - vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG). The ratio of these two ingredients plays a vital role in cloud-chasing, and you can’t afford to ignore it.
For big clouds of vapor, you should aim towards a higher VG ratio. By using any liquid that has a 70% VG base or higher, you’ll be able to produce those big, dense clouds you’ve been dying to see. In our previous experience, it’s best to start with a 70VG/30PG ratio and slowly build your way up since going for a higher VG concentration right from the beginning can result in experiencing several side effects.
Thanks to the global popularity of cloud-chasing and the latest technology, brands have been coming up with more and more e-juice options with high VG content. Not only can you choose from a variety of companies, but now you can choose from many flavors and taste blends too.
Play around with settings
Once you have your vape kit and e-juices, it’s time to start experimenting with how the two work together. Because each vape kit and e-liquid is different, there are no universal settings that’ll work well with all your combinations.
Therefore, it’s important to play around with settings and achieve the most optimal results. Airflow and temperature control are the two key elements you’ll especially want to pay attention to.
For instance, increasing the airflow will quickly convert your e-liquid into vapor. That way, you’ll get most of your liquid transformed into big smoky clouds. If your vapor isn’t coming out hot enough, try increasing the wattage on your kit. Similarly, if your vape starts to get too hot, you can tone down the wattage and try it again.
Remember that finding the perfect settings takes a lot of time and practice. Since this is a trial and error process, you need to play around with your kit and e-liquids if you want to find out how you can get the biggest clouds of vapor.
Perfect your technique
Finally, your vaping and breathing techniques can also affect vapor production.
Before drawing on your vape, you should exhale as much air as possible. This will clear out your lungs from oxygen and will give you a bigger inhale capacity you can use to take in as much vape as possible.
Moreover, posture can also affect how much vape you can inhale. A straight back improves your lung capacity and allows you to take in more vape. As a simple test, compare your clouds when vaping with a straight back and hunched over. You’ll see what difference posture can make.
Exhaling your vapor slowly and steadily is the best technique to achieve consistent vape clouds. That way, you have plenty of control over the vapor, and you can practically do anything you like with it.
Focusing on your breathing and enjoying your vape can be frustrating, but once you start seeing progress in the breathing techniques, it’ll only get better from there. Remember, this is a learning process you can master only by practicing as much as possible, so be patient with yourself.
The bottom line
All in all, a lot goes into making large and dense vape clouds. That being said, the art of cloud-chasing isn’t as simple as many people believe. From finding the suitable mod kit and type of e-juice to learning about different settings and best breathing techniques, there’s certainly a lot you need to know if you want to succeed in cloud vapor production.