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Why Were Shipping Containers Invented?


Malcolm Mclean, a truck driver, invented the shipping container. In 1952, McLean saw the opportunity of cutting costs and speeding up goods' movement. He owned a trucking company that transported goods. For many years, the cargo was loaded to ships using wooden cases. He observed the method and realised it was not effective. He discovered utilising a standard size box would be much easier and faster to load. Having a regulated system of cargo turnover would benefit both the trucking and shipping companies.


Malcolm McLean worked together with engineer Keith Tantlinger to develop the standard shipping container. He sold his trucking company, purchased a shipping company, and experimented with better ways to load and unload trucks. He knew everything about a haulage company but nothing about shipping companies; hence, he learnt fast. The shipping containers would be substantial, theft-resistant, reliable and easy to transfer. In 1956, the first shipping container transported its cargo successfully.


Why were shipping containers invented?

Malcolm Mclean invented shipping containers to improve efficiency during loading and offloading containers from trucks to ships. Many damages occurred before the invention of shipping containers; wooden boxes were used to transport goods. Malcolm also wanted to have safe cargo journeys as the shipping containers were solid and secure.


After shipping containers were invented, less labour was required to load and offload goods, and the shipping cost was also reduced. The initial purpose of shipping containers was transporting cargo from one place to another via sea.

Shipping containers are the most convenient and affordable means of transporting cargo via sea. The most popular shipping size is the general 20 ft. There are other shipping containers, including reefers, tankers, and high-cube containers. Today, shipping containers are also used for storage and conversion. They are converted into homes, offices, swimming pools and other recreational structures.


If you want to purchase or hire a shipping container to create a container home, it is essential to look for the best local dealers around you. Contact Tiger Containers. We have a good reputation and fair price. You can visit our website for more information.

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