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Car Auto Parts Wholesaler and Retailer

West Can Auto Parts
Car Auto Parts Wholesaler and Retailer

Westcan Auto Parts is an auto parts wholesaler and retailer, leading in the aftermarket automotive parts accessories, tools, industrial equipment, safety supplies, and accessories. It is part of the Uni-Select network which is comprised of more than 500 auto car parts stores bc and 16 distribution centers across Canada contributing to a growing empire to help service all your automotive and related needs.

In the early 1980’s we opened the doors to our first establishment in Northern British Columbia. Its success laid down the foundation for becoming industry leaders. Westcan Auto Parts' dynamic existence is attributed to its highly knowledgeable yet friendly staff.

Westcan is a family-operated franchise with 11 thriving locations to serve you better. The continued synergy of our customers and vendor's support along with our dedication to a gold standard service further solidifies our business platform.

Currently, Westcan Auto Parts is part of the Uni-Select network which is comprised of more than 500 stores and 16 distribution centers across Canada contributing to a growing empire to help service all your automotive and related needs.


Address: 33406 South Fraserway Way Abbotsford BC V2S 2B5

Phone Number: +1 (604) 853-2218

Email: bjhaj@www.westcanauto.com

Website: https://www.westcanauto.com/

West Can Auto Parts
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