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T-shirt Mockup Collection

Web Feenix
T-shirt Mockup Collection

T-shirt mockups are typically available in two colors: black t-shirt mockup collection and white t-shirt mockup. They can include a model wearing the product to help customers envision what the t-shirt looks like, or they may just feature the t-shirt on a plain background.


T-shirt mockup PSD is a blank t-shirt mockup that you can edit in Adobe Photoshop. “PSD” is essentially the name of a Photoshop image file. You can think of .psd in the same way you think of a .jpg or .png extension for images. Keep in mind that you’ll need Photoshop on your computer if you want to open and edit a PSD file.


T-shirt mockups are truly a cost-effective and time-saving method for testing and showcasing your designs before having to go to print or full production.


The free high-resolution t-shirt mockup templates we have for you today will allow you to give your t-shirt design a photorealistic result in mere minutes. They’re all in Photoshop PSD format, most will even allow you to change the t-shirt color, and all you have to do is place your artwork into the Smart Object, and save it. It’s that simple!

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